Who wrote the song Pink Moon?

Who wrote the song Pink Moon?

Nick Drake
Pink Moon/Composers

How did Nick Drake record Pink Moon?

Pink Moon differs from Drake’s previous albums in that it was recorded without a backing band, featuring just Drake on vocals, acoustic guitar and a brief piano riff overdubbed onto the title track. The songs are shorter than on his previous albums, with a total album running time of just over twenty-eight minutes.

What does Pink Moon song mean?

The cryptic 2-minute title track of Nick Drake’s third album, he got the name of this song from the Dictionary Of Folklore. It represents the blood-red color of the moon during eclipses. >>

How long is Pink Moon by Nick Drake?

28 minutes
The album, which is only 28 minutes long, has an unsettling simplicity. Drake said he didn’t want it arranged, just to stand “naked.” In the brilliant and bleak “Parasite,” Drake uses the device of a journey on the Northern Line of the London Underground to offer a chilling view of the emptiness of contemporary life.

Is the Pink Moon actually pink?

It’s called the pink moon — but it’s not actually pink. “Before you get your hopes up, this ‘Super Pink Moon’ won’t actually look ‘super pink’—or any hue of pink, really,” the Farmer’s Almanac states. “The Moon will be its usual golden color near the horizon and fade to a bright white as it glides overhead.”

Why is it called a Pink Moon?

The pink moon is named not because it will take on a particular colour, but because of the colour of the flowering phlox. Modern skywatchers term tonight’s phenomenon a “supermoon” – a term coined by an American astrologer Richard Nolle in 1979.

What was wrong with Nick Drake?

He was just 26 years old, and had spent his later lifetime battling depression, later diagnosed as schizophrenia. Nick died from an overdose of amitriptyline, a prescribed antidepressant. Whether his death was an accident or suicide has never been resolved.

Is the pink moon actually pink?

Who did the album art for Pink Moon?

Michael Trevithick
Cover art by Michael Trevithick Released two years before his death by suicide in November 1974, the album featured airy, stripped down, acoustic guitar, Drake’s vocal melodies, and nothing else. He is the only credited musician on the album, and only recorded another layer, piano, for the titular track.

Was Nick Drake depressed?

Drake suffered from depression, particularly during the latter part of his life, a fact often reflected in his lyrics. On completion of his third album, 1972’s Pink Moon, he withdrew from both live performance and recording, retreating to his parents’ home in rural Warwickshire.

Why does the moon turn pink?

“During a total lunar eclipse, when the moon is in the Earth’s shadow, the only light reaching the moon passes through the Earth’s atmosphere. That produces a red tinge, or a deeper red colour after big dirty volcanic eruptions.”

Is the pink moon actually pink 2021?

It wasn’t really pink — but it was super! April’s full moon, called the “Super Pink Moon,” wowed skywatchers on Monday (April 26) as it shone brightly in the night sky. This makes the moon appear up to 14% larger and 30% brighter than when it is farthest from Earth.

When did Pink Moon by Nick Drake come out?

Bryter Layter. (1971) Pink Moon. (1972) Fruit Tree. (1979) Pink Moon is the third and final studio album by the English musician Nick Drake, released in the UK by Island Records on 25 February 1972. It was the only one of Drake’s studio albums to be released in North America during his lifetime: the only previous release there had been

Who was the first artist to cover Pink Moon?

The first notable cover versions of Nick Drake songs were released in 1992, when Lucinda Williams covered “Which Will” on her album Sweet Old World, and alternative rock band Sebadoh covered “Pink Moon” on their EP Sebadoh vs Helmet.

When did Pink Moon Plaisir d’amour come out?

The recording was less than a minute long, featured guitar with no vocals, and was eventually included as a hidden track on UK editions of the Nick Drake compilation A Treasury (2004). Had “Plaisir d’amour” been included on the Pink Moon album, it would have been the only song on any of his albums that Nick Drake did not write himself.

Which is the bleakest album by Nick Drake?

Specifically, Pink Moon is the bleakest of them all; that the likes of Belle and Sebastian are fans of Drake may be clear enough, but it’s doubtful they could ever achieve the calm, focused anguish of this album, as harrowing as it is attractive.

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