How do I enable cheats on covert strike in IGI 2?

How do I enable cheats on covert strike in IGI 2?

Hold CTRL+SHIFT+F9 while on the main menu, and start your game as you continue to hold them. Only the CTRL and SHIFT keys on the left side of the keyboard will work.

What is the cheat code of IGI 2?

Project IGI 2 Covert Strike Cheats

Effect Effect
feedme Clear All Enemies
GETALLIWANT Clear All Levels
ALLGOD God mode
EASY Lower Difficulty

How do you enter cheats in IGI?

Enter these codes during game play after typing nada at the main menu.

  1. Easy Mode: easy.
  2. God Mode for Player and Team: allgod.
  3. Kill Enemies: ewww.
  4. Unlimited Ammo: allammo.
  5. All Weapons: hutid.

How can I beat level 9 in IGI 2?


  1. Escape from your cell.
  2. Get your map computer and lockpicks back.
  3. Locate Priboi in main prison building.
  4. Get to the security control building and hack the terminal.
  5. Open gates to the inner and outer yards and the main gates.
  6. Take down the two guards covering the gate.

Does IGI 3 exist?

Today it was announced by Developer Toadman Interactive that a new IGI game is being made. Project IGI 3, which is called Origins of the available artwork is anything to go by, which is decided to be released in 2021.

What is the cheat of IGI 1?

igi 1 cheats and effects

diehard enemy die
holowman invisibility
imdone skip mission
stormydayq storm comes

How do I complete Mission 10 in igi2?


  1. Lie flat on the ground and shoot the 3 guards ouside the villa.
  2. Kill the sniper on top of the highest building.
  3. Similarly kill all the guards you can see from the mountain.
  4. Now come near the villa and pick up Uzi of the 3 guards you killed in the beginning.

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