Is Jacob romantically in love with Renesmee?

Is Jacob romantically in love with Renesmee?

In Jacob’s case, he imprinted on Renesmee — who he affectionately dubbed Nessie — when she was a baby, so no, it doesn’t mean he’s in love with her. Jacob just has a strong bond to Renesmee and is more of a protector and as she gets older, will be a best friend, someone who’s there for her when she needs it.

Does Jacob hook up with Renesmee?

Jacob Black imprinted on Renesmee Cullen, the daughter of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen, at birth in Book 2 of Breaking Dawn. As part of the imprinting, Jacob will only be a brother figure to Renesmee until she comes of age, by which time she may develop romantic feelings for him, and vice versa.

Why did Bella let Jacob kiss her?

By the time the events of Eclipse began, Bella had already decided to stay with Edward, but her problems were far from over. In order to keep him close as he threatened to leave, Bella asked him to kiss her, and she realized she was in love with him – but not in the same way she loves Edward.

Does Edward forgive Bella for kissing Jacob?

As Bella is kissing Jacob, she visualizes a future with him and realizes that she is in love with him after all. Edward learns about this kiss while it goes on because “Jacob’s thoughts are very loud”. Despite Bella realizing her feelings for Jacob, she stays by her decision, leaving him heartbroken.

Does Bella love Edward or Jacob?

Bella Swan and Jacob Black. Bella actually falls in love with Jacob in New Moon. It’s understandable why this fact didn’t occur to her: Bella had fallen in love only one other time, and it was a very sudden, dramatic, sweep-you-off-your-feet, change-your-world, magical, passionate, all-consuming thing.

Does Renesmee need blood?

Renesmee can sustain herself on a human diet, though she shows little interest in consuming such fare during the events of Breaking Dawn. She also can survive on a blood diet, like the other members of the Cullen. While she prefers human blood, like all vampires, Renesmee can subsist on a “vegetarian” diet.

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