Is the palette of Narmer made of stone?

Is the palette of Narmer made of stone?

The beautifully carved palette, 63.5 cm (more than 2 feet) in height and made of smooth greyish-green siltstone, is decorated on both faces with detailed low relief.

What was the palette of King Narmer used for?

This object depicts the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt into the “Kingdom of the Two Lands” under the divine king. This object is a ceremonial palette used in the ritual of mixing and applying the King’s eye makeup.

Why was the Narmer Palette created?

Narmer was the first king of the First Dynasty of Egypt and the Narmer Palette was most likely created to celebrate his military victories over Lower Egypt. Narmer, then, was the first king of the First Dynasty of Egypt and the Narmer Palette was most likely created to celebrate his military victories over Lower Egypt.

When was King Narmer born?

3124 BC
Born 3124 BC Narmer was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh of the Early Dynastic Period. He was the successor to the Protodynastic king Ka. Many scholars consider him the unifier of Egypt and founder of the First Dynasty, and in turn the first king of a unified Egypt.

Where is the palette of King Narmer?

The Narmer Palette is part of the permanent collection of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. It is one of the initial exhibits which visitors have been able to see when entering the museum….

Narmer Palette
Size c. 64 cm × 42 cm
Created 3200–3000 BC (circa)
Discovered 1897–1898
Present location Egyptian Museum, Cairo

How does the palette of King Narmer describe the unification of ancient Egypt?

How does the Palette of King Narmer describe the unification of ancient Egypt? It presents Narmer larger than life on both sides of the palette. The entwined necks of the two feline creatures perhaps represent the unification of Egypt itself under the order of Narmer.

How did King Narmer come into power?

King Narmer came into power after King Scorpion. Religion has developed during the reign of Narmer and many religious symbols have emerged such as the “Ankh”, the symbol of life and “Djed Pillar“, which represents stability.

How big was the palette of King Narmer?

13. Palette of King Narmer – AP Art History II. Ancient Mediterranean ‎ > ‎ 13. Palette of King Narmer – Palette of King Narmer. Predynastic Egypt. c. 3000–2920 B.C.E. Greywacke -carved from slate (grayish/green siltstone), in bas-relief, 2.1 feet high (very large for a palette)

Who is on the other side of the Narmer Palette?

Recto side. Narmer Palette (recto) As on the other side, two human-faced bovine heads, thought to represent the patron cow goddess Bat, flank the serekhs. The goddess Bat is, as she often was, shown in portrait, rather than in profile as is traditional in Egyptian relief carving.

Where was the Narmer Palette and Scorpion maceheads found?

Along with the Scorpion Macehead and the Narmer Maceheads, also found together in the main deposit at Nekhen, the Narmer Palette provides one of the earliest known depictions of an Egyptian king. The Palette shows many of the classic conventions of Ancient Egyptian art, which must already have been formalized by the time of the Palette’s creation.

Where was the Narmer palette found in the temple of Horus?

The Palette, which has survived five millennia in almost perfect condition, was discovered by British archeologists James E. Quibell and Frederick W. Green, in what they called the Main Deposit in the Temple of Horus at Nekhen, during the dig season of 1897–98. Also found at this dig were the Narmer Macehead and the Scorpion Macehead.

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