What are the protocols about flying the flag on Anzac Day?

What are the protocols about flying the flag on Anzac Day?

The flag should never be flown at half-mast at night even if it is illuminated. When flying the Australian National Flag with other flags, all flags in the set should be flown at half-mast. The Australian National Flag should be raised first and lowered last.

How do I fly the Australian flag on Anzac Day?

In accordance with Australian flag protocol, the Australian National Flag should be flown at half-mast on Sunday, 25 April 2021, from dawn until noon in your locality, at which time the flag should be raised to the peak of the flag mast for the remainder of the day.

What do you say to veterans on Anzac Day?

Messages include famous Anzac quotes as well as messages of gratitude such as: “Thank you for your sacrifice, for what you gave up to provide a brighter future for generations to come”, or simply “Lest we forget”.

How do you raise the flag on Anzac Day?

For the ANZAC Day Dawn Service the Australian National Flag is to be at the half- mast position prior to the commencement of the service. When first raised for the day the flag should be raised to the masthead then lowered to half-mast. This should occur before the service commences.

Do you need planning permission for a flag?

If you intend to fly the Union flag or national flag of any country then you do not need planning permission to install a flagpole. Generally planning permission will be required if you intend to fly flags used for advertising. Portable flagpoles are an alternative solution as they do not require planning permission.

How is Anzac Day commemorated?

A typical Anzac Day ceremony may include the following features: an introduction, hymn, prayer, an address, laying of wreaths, a recitation, the Last Post, a period of silence, either the Rouse or the Reveille, and the national anthem.

Why do we have a dawn service?

The Dawn Service The half-light of dawn was one of the times favoured for launching an attack. Soldiers in defensive positions were woken in the dark before dawn, so by the time first light crept across the battlefield they were awake, alert, and manning their weapons; this is still known as the “stand-to”.

How do I start an Anzac Day service?

Outline Commemoration Service for ANZAC Day

  1. Introduction (2 minutes)
  2. Hymn (2 minutes)
  3. Prayer (1 minute)
  4. An address by an ex Serviceman, Serving Member of the Defence Force, Local Dignitary, Teacher or Student.
  5. Wreath Laying.
  6. Ode.
  7. Last Post.
  8. One Minute Silence.

How is the flag raised on Anzac Day?

On the first note of Reveille (sometimes referred to as the Rouse) the flag is raised smartly to the masthead. After the ceremony the flag is returned to the half mast until noon when it is raised to the masthead. This site includes more detailed information on ANZAC Day Services starting here.

What should I say at an Anzac Day service?

The introduction should briefly set the scene of the ANZAC Day remembrance. Prayers or Odes should be of remembrance, for peace and for the future of Australia. The address should be given by an appropriate person and should stress the sacrifices made by servicemen and women in all conflicts,…

When does the Anzac Day ceremony take place?

The ceremony should normally take place in the morning. The introduction should briefly set the scene of the ANZAC Day remembrance. Prayers or Odes should be of remembrance, for peace and for the future of Australia.

What kind of hat do they wear on Anzac Day?

The wide-brimmed khaki hat worn by members of the Australian Army is known as the ‘slouch hat’. The word ‘slouch’ refers to its sloping rim, which may be turned upwards (and clipped into place) on the wearer’s left-hand side on ceremonial occasions such as Anzac Day.

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