What is peritoneal inclusion?

What is peritoneal inclusion?

DISCUSSION. Peritoneal inclusion cysts are complex cystic adnexal masses consisting of a normal ovary entrapped in multiple fluid-filled adhesions. The cysts usually develop in women of reproductive age who have a history of previous pelvic surgery or pelvic infection.

How are peritoneal inclusion cysts treated?

However, studies with the long-term data, follow-up and complication rate of sclerotherapy are lack. Complications of sclerotherapy may occur such as viscus perforation, infection, bleeding, or the spillage of cystic fluid and/or sclerosant into the peritoneal cavity.

Can a peritoneal inclusion cyst rupture?

Fourth, peritoneal inclusion cysts tend to rupture frequently just after the abdomen is opened, and resection is difficult because tissue planes are poor- ly defined. Fifth, because most patients have previously undergone several laparotomies, additional surgical in- terventions is undesirable [10].

What is peritoneal Pseudocyst?

Peritoneal inclusion cysts, also known as peritoneal pseudocysts, are a type of cyst-like structure that appears in relation to the peritoneal surfaces and results from a non-neoplastic reactive mesothelial proliferation.

Are peritoneal inclusion cysts common?

3100, Sacramento, CA 95817. Although fairly common, peritoneal inclusion cysts are less well-recognized entities on imaging of the female pelvis.

What is inclusion cyst?

Epidermal inclusion cyst (EIC), also known as sebaceous cyst and epidermoid cyst, is the most common cyst of the skin. It ranges in size from a few millimeters to a few centimeters and originates from the follicular infundibulum. Its contents are a cheesy, malodorous mixture of degraded lipid and keratin.

What causes peritoneal cyst?

Peritoneal inclusion cysts occur almost exclusively in premenopausal women with a history of previous abdominal or pelvic surgery, trauma, pelvic inflammatory disease, or endometriosis [1, 5]. Peritoneal inclusion cysts tend to grow slowly as more fluid is secreted by the ovaries and not reabsorbed by the peritoneum.

Are peritoneal cysts painful?

Patients with peritoneal inclusion cysts (PICs) often suffer from progressive abdominal or pelvic pain.

Can a peritoneal inclusion cyst be cancerous?

Note that blood vessels are visible within mesothelial tissue (open arrows). Occasionally, cuboidal cells can undergo squamous metaplasia; however, peritoneal inclusion cysts have no malignant potential.

Where is peritoneal cyst located?

Peritoneal inclusion cysts are reported in male patients with extensive surgical history, but account for 17% of reported cases (2–3,6,14–17). These mesothelial proliferations are usually confined to the pelvis, but have also been described in the upper abdomen and retroperitoneum (3,6).

What is a loculated cyst?

It is characterized by multilocular grapelike, thin-, and translucent-walled cysts, or a unilocular cyst lined by benign mesothelial cells. It occurs predominantly in women of reproductive age, and shows a predilection for the surface of the pelvic peritoneum or visceral peritoneum.

What is an abdominal Pseudocyst?

Abdominal pseudocyst (APC) is an uncommon manifestation of a ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt that is attributed to an inflammatory response, usually the result of infection.

What kind of disease is pseudomyxoma peritonei?

Pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) is a rare disease characterized by the presence of mucin in the abdominal (peritoneal) cavity.

Who is most likely to have a peritoneal inclusion cyst?

Peritoneal inclusion cysts occur almost exclusively in premenopausal women with a history of previous abdominal or pelvic surgery, trauma, pelvic inflammatory disease, or endometriosis. Most patients with peritoneal inclusion cysts present with pelvic pain or a pelvic mass. About 10% are discovered incidentally.

Can a peritoneal inclusion cyst mimic a paraovarian cyst?

Differential diagnosis. On imaging, a peritoneal inclusion cyst can potentially mimic a 2: paraovarian cyst. hydrosalpinx. pyosalpinx. appendiceal mucocoele: may cause pseudomyxoma peritonei if ruptured, but is separated from ovary.

What kind of cyst is a peritoneal pseudocyst?

Peritoneal inclusion cyst (PIC) (also known as a peritoneal pseudocyst and benign cystic mesothelioma) is a type of cyst-like structure that appears in relation to the peritoneum and results from a non-neoplastic reactive mesothelial proliferation.

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