What is the general rule for reading a military map?

What is the general rule for reading a military map?

The general rule of military map reading is “right and up,” which means you read a military map to the right of each left border and upward from each bottom border.

What is map army?

The Army defines a map as “a graphic representation of a portion of the earth’s surface drawn to scale, as seen from above.” Because the map is a graphic representation, you’ll need a written explanation of the graphic elements.

How do you read map coordinates on a grid?

The number of the vertical grid line on the left (west) side of the grid square is the first and second digits of the coordinates. The number of the horizontal grid line on the bottom (south) side of the grid square is the fourth and fifth digits of the coordinates.

What is cardinal rule in map reading?

Notice that the numbers increase to the right and up. This is the cardinal rule of map reading. Always read a map right and up. Specific locations on a map can be referenced by grid coordinates which identify the grid square and the relative position of the point within the grid square.

How does military measure distance?

Klick is a term used by the military to denote one kilometer or 1,000 meters, 0.6214 miles or 3,280.84 feet. A kilometer is a unit of measurement that describes the length of a particular distance and is part of the metric system.

How to determine the coordinates of a point on a map?

The most accurate way to determine the coordinates of a point on a map is to use a coordinate scale. You do not have to use imaginary lines; you can find the exact coordinates using a Coordinate Scale and Protractor (GTA 5-2-12) (Figure 5-19) or a Plotting Scale (Figure 5-20).

Where do you start to read the grid coordinates?

Start from the left and read right until you come to 11, the first half of your address. Then read up to 81, the other half. Your address is somewhere in grid square 1181. Always begin your reading from the southwest corner of your square.

How are the items on a military map identified?

A military map is uniquely identified by 3 items listed in the top and bottom edges of the map: Series, Sheet number and Edition 1. Series: The code for the area of the world that the map series covers. 2. Sheet number: The map identifier number in the Series. 3. 19Edition: The number of the edition:-

What is the six digit grid coordinate for 100 meters?

On the bottom scale, the 100 meter mark nearest the vertical grid line provides the third digit, 5. On the vertical scale, the 100 meter mark nearest Point A provides the sixth digit, 3. Therefore, the six-digit grid coordinate is 115813

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