Who made the Zilog Z80?

Who made the Zilog Z80?

Federico Faggin
The Z80 is an 8-bit microprocessor introduced by Zilog as the startup company’s first product. The Z80 was conceived by Federico Faggin in late 1974 and developed by him and his 11 employees starting in early 1975….Zilog Z80.

General information
Transistors 8500 (4μm process)
Package(s) 40-pin DIP
Socket(s) DIP40

What computers used a Z80?

The Z80 ended up in thousands of products, including the Osborne I (the first portable, or “luggable,” computer), the KayPro II, the Radio Shack TRS-80, and MSX home computers, as well as printers, fax machines, photocopiers, modems, and satellites. Zilog still makes the Z80, which is used in some embedded systems.

What is a Z80 microcomputer?

The Z80 is an eight-bit microprocessor introduced in 1976 by Zilog, Inc. Since its release, it has been used in many desktop, embedded, and military computer systems. The first Z80 chips ran at 2.5 MHz, gradually increasing in speed up to 20 MHz.

How many registers are in the Z80 processor?

The Z80 processor contains 14 general purpose registers which can be used for holding and manipulating data bytes. Each of these registers is 8-bits wide and they are named A, B, C, D, E, H, L, A’, B’, C’, D’, E’, H’, L’.

Do you need to define a Z80 emulator?

You need to define this to compile or use the emulator as a static library or if you have added Z80.h and Z80.c to your project. Use this if you have imported Z80.h and Z80.c to your project. Z80.c will #include “Z80.h” instead of .

Is there a command line compiler for Z80?

Publish your Windows Applications on the Cloud and allow your users and… Modern command-line cross-compiler of 8bit processor Z80 (and R800) assembly language. Support many directives (even ZX-Spectrum specific as snapshot .SNA generation), has built-in Lua scripting engine, 3-pass design.

What’s the value of the call to Z80 _ run?

Number of cycles executed in the current call to z80_run. z80run sets this variable to 0 before starting to execute instructions and its value persists after returning. The callbacks can use this variable to know during what cycle they are being called. The value used as the first argument when calling a callback.

Which is 2 pass assembler for Zilog Z80?

ZASM is a 2 pass assembler for Zilog’s 8-bit CPU Z80. Supported platforms: Unix-style OS, e.g. MacOS X, Linux, BSD. Special support for ZX Spectrum emulator file formats. Binary or intel hex file output.

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