What are the 5 conflict strategies?

What are the 5 conflict strategies?

According to the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI), used by human resource (HR) professionals around the world, there are five major styles of conflict management—collaborating, competing, avoiding, accommodating, and compromising.

How do you resolve conflict at school?

Handling Conflict

  1. Focus on the problem, not on the personalities.
  2. Be courteous, but don’t sugarcoat the problem.
  3. Keep your conversations or decisions strictly confidential.
  4. Rather than impose a resolution, look to the participants to come up with one together.

How will you teach your students peaceful conflict resolution?

Role Play. Acting out potential scenarios involving conflict can be a powerful experience. Role-playing gives students the opportunity to practice using their conflict resolution skills while they are calm. This safe space will make it easier for students to be objective and can help students build empathy.

How do you effectively manage conflict?

Tips for Managing Conflict

  1. Accept conflict. Remember that conflict is natural and happens in every ongoing relationship.
  2. Be a calming agent.
  3. Listen actively.
  4. Analyze the conflict.
  5. Model neutral language.
  6. Separate the person from the problem.
  7. Work together.
  8. Agree to disagree.

What is the best way to respond to conflict?

When your students are faced with a conflict they should ask themselves what they can do to help resolve it. They can do this by asking questions to find out why others involved feel the conflict exists. Maybe they are doing something that contributes to the conflict without realizing it.

What do you do when students argue with each other?

Solution: Teach them an alternative strategy for them to voice “their concerns”. Steps: Acknowledge that the student has “information” they would like to share with you. Reassure the student that you want them to feel like they can talk to you but that it needs to happen in a respectful manner.

How do I manage conflict?

What should I teach my teenager about conflict resolution?

Teaching conflict resolution to teenagers before adolescence turns them into rebels. And you as a parent need to be there for them. Be present, be aware of what is going on in their life – but do so with respect for their privacy. The raging hormones will subside.

What are some facts about conflict in teens?

Facts for Teens: Conflict Resolution. Introduction All too often, small incidents and minor disagreements can lead to serious violence among teenagers1: One teenage boy teases or insults another. A teenage girl accuses another of spreading untrue gossip. One teen pushes, bumps, or shoves another.

What is the Conflict Management Skills Workbook for teens?

The Teen Conflict Management Skills Workbook is designed to help you learn more about yourself, identify the primary reasons you get into conflicts, and find better ways to use your newfound conflict management skills to develop and maintain happy, healthy, casual, personal, intimate and workplace relationships.

How to think about conflict in a classroom?

Have students complete the following sentence: “A time I got something I wanted was when …” Place yourself in the middle of the room and say, “Imagine that I represent conflict. Think about how you usually react when you experience a conflict personally or witness a conflict happening nearby.


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