What does Ifemelu mean in Igbo?

What does Ifemelu mean in Igbo?

leave us in peace
Phrasal and lexical level. To be specific, in the novel there are not any Nigerian nicknames for most of Nigerian characters such as Ifemelu or Obinze. Besides, in the text Ifemelu herself gives the explanation about the meaning of her Igbo name, which is „leave us in peace” (Adichie 2013: 32).

Is Ifemelu an Igbo?

Aisha is surprised to learn that Ifemelu is Igbo. Aisha is dating two Igbo men and would like to marry one of them. She asks whether Igbo people only marry other Igbo.

Who are the characters in Americanah?

Character List

  • Ifemelu. – The titular Americanah and protagonist of the novel, a Nigerian woman who moves to America.
  • Obinze. – Ifemelu’s first love, a calm, thoughtful Nigerian man.
  • Dike. – The son of Aunty Uju and The General.
  • Aunty Uju.
  • Curt.
  • Blaine.
  • Ginika.
  • Ifemelu’s Father.

Why did Ifemelu break up with Curt?

The narrative returns to Ifemelu, who almost purposefully sabotages her relationship with Curt by cheating on him with a man from her apartment. She realizes that she never was able to truly “believe herself” while with Curt, and didn’t feel everything she wanted to feel.

What does Ifemelu think of the general?

The General gifts her the money for the rent. Ifemelu does not like The General at all when she meets him. He has coarse manners and claims Aunty Uju is different from other women because she wanted books from his trip to London. Aunty Uju becomes pregnant and insists upon having the child.

Why does Ifemelu call Obinze ceiling?

But even as her parents’ fortunes decline, Ifemelu finds a seemingly ecstatic bond with Obinze. She calls him “Ceiling” because when they make love, she is too transported to see the ceiling before her eyes.

What is Ifemelu last name?

Ifemelunamma Lifestyle blog writer. Aka: Ifemelu, Ifemsco, Ifem.
Obianuju Ifemelu’s aunt. Aka: Uju.
Ginika Ifemelu’s close friend.
Blaine Ifemelu’s boyfriend.

Who is Aunty Uju?

Ifemelu’s aunt, an intelligent, strong-willed doctor. In Nigeria she becomes the mistress of The General and lives off of his wealth, but then she has to flee to America, where she lives a life of stress and hardship.

Why does Ifemelu go back to Nigeria?

It was just a reality of how difficult it can be to find a hair salon that can do African hair especially braiding in a country where the majority are non-blacks. Ifemelu decided to go back home after thirteen years because America did not feel like home. She missed Nigeria.

Why does Ifemelu start her blog?

Her blog serves as an outlet for the frustration she feels not only towards non-blacks but also towards those “American blacks” she seems to associate so negatively with the stereotypes she observes in America. In many ways, Ifemelu uses her blog to turn racism on its head.

Who is the main character in the book Ifemelu?

Ifemelu Character Analysis. Ifemelu. The novel’s main protagonist, an intelligent, stubborn, outspoken Nigerian woman who moves to America to attend university. She has difficulty adjusting there but eventually becomes a citizen, wins a fellowship at Princeton, and starts a popular blog about race.

Why did Ifemelu decide to go to America?

Ifemelu’s departure for America ignites the major conflict: her separation from Obinze. Despite Ifemelu’s independent spirit, she doesn’t initiate her immigration to America, but agrees to Obinze’s American dream in part because of Obinze’s belief that America is the future.

Who are the boyfriends of Ifemelu in Americanah?

She has three serious boyfriends: Obinze, Curt, and Blaine. She eventually moves back to Nigeria, reconnects with Obinze, and builds a life for herself there.

What does Ifemelu call Obinze in Americanah?

Ifemelu often calls him “Ceiling” which is a code word she devised when they were first becoming physically intimate. The narration of Americanah sometimes switches to Obinze’s life and thoughts, especially his difficult life working illegally in London before returning to Nigeria to become a rich family man.

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