What is the stupidest motorist law?

What is the stupidest motorist law?

The “stupid motorist law” is a law in the U.S. state of Arizona that states that any motorist who becomes stranded after driving around barricades to enter a flooded stretch of roadway may be charged for the cost of their rescue.

What is a driver liable for in the event that he drives around a flood barricade?

‘ The law states that any motorist who becomes stranded after driving through or around barricades to enter any flooded roadway may be charged for the cost of rescue.

What is illegal in Arizona?

It’s illegal to dig up and move a saguaro cactus. It’s illegal to take a game bird, game mammal, or game fish and knowingly permit an edible portion to go to waste. It’s illegal to feed garbage to a pig.

What is the difference between flood watch and warning?

Flood Warning: Take Action! A Flood Warning is issued when flooding is imminent or occurring. Flood Watch: Be Prepared: A Flood Watch is issued when conditions are favorable for a specific hazardous weather event to occur. It does not mean flooding will occur, but it is possible.

Why do most flood deaths occur in vehicles?

Over 50% of flash flooding deaths occur when vehicles are driven into hazardous flood waters. People are unaware that most vehicles can be swept away in 18 to 24 inches of moving water. Cars will float when the force of the water is greater than the force of friction.

What is one of the biggest dangers floods cause?

Standing flood waters can also spread infectious diseases, contain chemical hazards, and cause injuries. Each year, flooding causes more deaths than any other hazard related to thunderstorms. The most common flood deaths occur when a vehicle is driven into hazardous flood waters.

Are morning glories illegal in AZ?

Despite the rare status of these native plants, the Arizona Department of Agriculture has determined that they are noxious weeds. Essentially this means that these plants are banned from sale in Arizona.

What are the weirdest laws in the US?

50 Dumbest Laws In The US

  • A door on a car may not be left open longer than is necessary.
  • Animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500 feet of a tavern, school, or place of worship.
  • It is illegal to drive a camel on the highway.

What is a Flash watch?

A flash flood watch means a flash flood is possible in the area, because conditions are more favorable than usual for its occurrence. A flash flood warning means a flash flood is imminent or occurring; take immediate action to protect life and property.

Is a storm watch or warning worse?

Types of storm watches and warnings. Severe Thunderstorms. A thunderstorm watch, which can be in effect for several hours, means weather conditions exist where severe thunderstorms can easily develop. A thunderstorm warning means current storm conditions can turn worse, including heavy rain and strong winds.

How long can a car float?

Most cars electric systems will work for a few minutes after being completely submerged in water, however waiting to roll down the windows is dangerous. Depending on the weight of a vehicle, a vehicle will float between 30 and 130 seconds before sinking.

Can cars drive water?

Driving through high water can have a disastrous effect on your car’s engine. This is what happens when you drive your car through high water. Even six inches of water can reach the bottom of passenger vehicles and if that happens it can set off a chain reaction of devastating damage to your engine.

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