Where is Nivedita Setu located?

Where is Nivedita Setu located?

Bally, Howrah
Nivedita Bridge/Location

Who built Nivedita Setu?

Larsen & Toubro
Nivedita Bridge/Contractors

Where is Vivekananda Setu bridge?

Vivekananda Setu / Bally Bridge/Location

When was Nivedita Setu built?

April 2004
Nivedita Bridge/Constructions started

What type of bridge is Nivedita Setu?

Cable-stayed bridge
Extradosed bridge
Nivedita Bridge/Bridge type

Nivedita Setu is the first bridge in the country that is a single profile cable-stayed bridge. By design, the height of the columns are lower than the tip of the Dakshineswar temple.

Which bridge opens in Kolkata?

Howrah Bridge
It is still popularly known as the Howrah Bridge. The bridge is one of four on the Hooghly River and is a famous symbol of Kolkata and West Bengal….

Howrah Bridge
Construction end 1942
Opened 3 February 1943
Daily traffic 300,000 vehicles and 450,000 pedestrians

How long is Vivekananda Setu?

880 m
Vivekananda Setu / Bally Bridge/Total length

Who built Bali bridge?

To admire this impressive engineering feat up close, stroll along the walkway and pause to study the network of girders. Look out for the name of Rai Bahadur Jagmal Raja stamped on each one. Raja was the industrialist whose company constructed the bridge. Take your time to enjoy the views of river life.

Who invented Howrah Bridge?

Howrah Bridge
Designer M/s. Rendel, Palmer and Tritton
Constructed by Braithwaite, Burn & Jessop Construction Company
Construction start 1936
Construction end 1942

Which is the longest bridge in Kolkata?

Vidyasagar Setu
Vidyasagar Setu is the longest cable-stayed bridge in India and one of the longest in Asia with a total length of 823 metres (2,700 ft). It was the second bridge builds across the Hooghly River; the first, the Howrah Bridge (also known as Rabindra Setu) 3.7 kilometres (2.3 mi) to the north, was completed in 1943.

What is the death anniversary of Vivekananda?

July 4
Every year, July 4 is observed as the death anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, who is regarded as a one of the finest spiritual leaders and intellects India has produced.

How big is the Nivedita Setu in Kolkata?

A marvelous addition to the attractions of West Bengal, Nibedita Setu is located over the Hooghly River. Measuring a total of six kilometer, the Setu aims at connecting Kolkata and National Highways no. 34 and 35 with other adjoining states of India.

Which is the Second Vivekananda Setu in Kolkata?

Nivedita Setu (also called Second Vivekananda Setu) is a multi-span extradosed bridge completed 2007 over Hooghly River connecting Howrah with Kolkata, in West Bengal. It runs parallel to and about 50 m downstream of the old Vivekananda Setu opened in 1932. The bridge is named after Sister Nivedita, the social worker-disciple of Swami Vivekananda.

How big is the Nivedita Setu bridge in India?

The bridge is the India’s first multi-span, single-plane cable supported extra-dosed bridge; with short pylons and seven continuous spans of 110 m, totaling a length of 880 m (2,887 feet). It is 29 m wide and will be able to support 6 lanes of traffic.

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