What is GDPS HyperSwap?

What is GDPS HyperSwap?

GDPS HyperSwap simply switches all disk processing from the primary site to the secondary site, while leaving the CEC processing intact. This is a transparent process, and can be a planned event for disk maintenance, or an unplanned event in response to problems.

What are the differences between Gdps and Gdps Xrc?

GDPS Metro Global – GM: This is a configuration for systems with more than two systems/sites, for purposes of disaster recovery. GDPS Metro Global – XRC: This is a configuration for systems with more than two systems/sites for purposes of disaster recovery.

What is GDPS in mainframe?

GDPS® is a multi-site or single-site end to end solution that provides the ability to automate the management of mainframe systems, disks, and data replication and to perform failure recovery from a single focal point.

What is the name of the collection of offerings on the IBM z platform that can be tailored to meet the recovery objectives for a business?

IBM GDPS® is a collection of system recovery offerings on the IBM Z® platform, each of which uses services, clustering technologies, and server and storage replication and automation. Learn how GDPS delivers IT resiliency and how it can be tailored to meet system recovery objectives: Benefits of GDPS.

Which Z OS component manages communications between applications in a Parallel Sysplex?

The Sysplex architecture established the groundwork for simplified multi-system management through the Cross-System Coupling Facility (XCF) component of z/OS. XCF services allow authorized applications on one system to communicate with applications on the same system or on other systems.

What is LPAR in IBM?

Logical partitions (LPARs) are, in practice, equivalent to separate mainframes. Each LPAR runs its own operating system. This can be any mainframe operating system; there is no need to run z/OS®, for example, in each LPAR. Alternately, the administrator can allow all processors to be used on some or all LPARs.

What is GDP country?

Gross domestic product (GDP) is the total monetary or market value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country’s borders in a specific time period. As a broad measure of overall domestic production, it functions as a comprehensive scorecard of a given country’s economic health.

What is the name of the high performance cryptographic engine which exists for every IBM z processor?

The z14 Model ZR1 can be the base for a securable, yet integrated cloud, taking advantage of features such as Central Processor Assist for Cryptographic Functions (CPACF), Crypto Express® 6S for FIPS-4 certified encryption key management, Trusted Key Entry (TKE) systems, or enhanced applications of Secure Service …

What is the primary role of Geographically Dispersed Parallel Sysplex GDPS?

Geographically Dispersed Parallel Sysplex™ (GDPS®) is the primary disaster recovery and continuous availability solution for a mainframe-based multi-site enterprise. GDPS automatically mirrors critical data and efficiently balances workload between the sites.

What are primary roles of Sysplex and Parallel Sysplex?

A sysplex can be either basic or parallel. A basic sysplex can communicate using channel to channel (CTC) connections between LPARs. Parallel Sysplex uses something called a Coupling Facility (CF). It is capable of managing data structures on behalf of applications requiring inter-LPAR communication.

What is the maximum number of z OS images in a Parallel Sysplex environment?

What is a Parallel Sysplex? With IBM’s Parallel Sysplex technology, you can harness the power of up to 32 z/OS systems, yet make these systems behave like a single, logical computing facility.

Is an LPAR like a VM?

Summary. Power Systems uses the term Logical Partition (LPAR), which is a vague non-descriptive term and the rest of the computing world uses Virtual Machine (VM). It is about time the “Power Guys” fell in line.

Can a hyperswap manager run as a GDPs manager?

HyperSwap will automatically switch disk processing between sites and can run as part of the full GDPS offering, or as ‘GDPS/PPRC HyperSwap Manager’. This is is cut down version of GDPS which includes the ability to transparently switch from primary to secondary disk subsystems, ensuring data consistency at the secondard.

Do you need to PPRC mirror in hyperswap?

If you run HyperSwap, you must PPRC mirror all your volumes, except the GDPS utility volumes and Sysplex CDS files. All volumes must be under GDPS control, and they must all be in the freeze group, with the freeze indicator set to ‘Y’ for every SSID in the GDPS Geoparm.

How does hyperswap work with tdmf and fdrpas?

HyperSwap introduces a few restrictions to some other disk work. TDMF and FDRPAS both move volumes around non disruptively by switching UCB pointers. HyperSwap works at UCB level, so if you start dynamically switching UCBs, HyperSwap will act on incorrect volumes.

How does GDPs global and GDPs Metro work?

GDPS Global orchestrates the recovery of systems that are using asynchronous replication (Global Mirror or z/OS Global Mirror). GDPS Metro Global combines the local near-continuous availability of GDPS Metro with the unlimited distance recovery options provided by GDPS Global.

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