Which of the following diseases can be triggered by an earthquake?

Which of the following diseases can be triggered by an earthquake?

1.2 Earthquake-triggered landslides and tsunami. As well as being highly destructive in their own right, earthquakes can also trigger two other very destructive natural hazards. One of these is a landslide. This is a rapid movement of earth materials down a slope, the materials ranging from huge boulders to soil.

Which type of disease is most often seen in populations after natural disasters?

Diarrheal epidemics are frequently reported following natural disasters in developing countries. Major disasters can exacerbate the risk factors for infectious diseases transmission by affecting pre-existing poor water, sanitation and sewage systems.

What diseases can you get from a tsunami?

Tsunami health hazards

  • Cholera.
  • Diarrhoea.
  • Malaria.
  • Chest infections.
  • Dengue fever.
  • Typhoid.
  • Other infections. Other diseases include hepatitis A, vaginal infections and diseases affecting children. Workers handling corpses are also prone to diarrhoea – but also to tuberculosis, hepatitis B/C or E coli.

What is the most common disease Post Disaster?

Communicable disease after disaster Diarrheal disease: Diarrheal disease outbreaks can arise subsequent to drinking-water contamination, and have been reported after flooding and related movement. Vibrio cholera (O1 Ogawa and O1 Inaba) and enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli are the major causes of this type.

What the effects of earthquakes?

The primary effects of earthquakes are ground shaking, ground rupture, landslides, tsunamis, and liquefaction. Fires are probably the single most important secondary effect of earthquakes.

Why are there diseases during any natural disaster?

The impact of communicable diseases may occur immediately after the disaster but most generally occur weeks after the event due to displacement, disruption of utilities and access to health services, and limited choice in food supply and limited access to basic needs.

What do people cough up after tsunami?

Some survivors of the tsunami that struck South Asia on 26 December 2004 are experiencing a new peril—mud and bacteria they inhaled as they were swept along with the waves has led to a type of aspiration pneumonia called “tsunami lung.”

How will you survive from a tsunami?


  1. First, protect yourself from an Earthquake.
  2. Get to high ground as far inland as possible.
  3. Be alert to signs of a tsunami, such as a sudden rise or draining of ocean waters.
  4. Listen to emergency information and alerts.
  5. Evacuate: DO NOT wait!
  6. If you are in a boat, go out to sea.

What does vector borne disease mean?

Vector-Borne Disease: Disease that results from an infection transmitted to humans and other animals by blood-feeding anthropods, such as mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas. Examples of vector-borne diseases include Dengue fever, West Nile Virus, Lyme disease, and malaria.

How do you think earthquakes can cause fire?

Earthquakes can cause fires by damaging electrical power or gas lines. In the event of water mains rupturing and a loss of pressure, it may also become difficult to stop the spread of a fire once it has started.

Why are there so many earthquakes in Indonesia?

Below is a selected list with recent earthquakes that caused severe damage and at least 20 fatalities: Earthquakes form a constant threat in Indonesia due to the meeting of major tectonic plates and volcanic activity in the region.

What are the most common skin diseases in Indonesia?

1. Panu. Panu is one of the most common skin diseases in tropical countries such as Indonesia. This skin disease is known as panu in Indonesian language and tinea versicolor or pityriasis versicolor in medical language. The main cause of this skin disease is fungi which is malassezia furfur or pityrosporum ovale.

What are the most common natural disasters in Indonesia?

Earthquakes in Indonesia Earthquakes are probably the biggest threat in terms of natural disasters in Indonesia as they come suddenly and can strike in populous areas, such as the bigger cities. Earthquakes with a magnitude of around five on the scale of Richter occur almost on a daily basis in Indonesia but usually cause no, or little, damage.

What are the most common causes of death in Indonesia?

Indonesia Top 10 Causes of Death 1 Stroke 2 lschemic heart disease 3 Diabetes 4 Cirrhosis 5 Tuberculosis 6 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 7 Diarrheal diseases 8 Road injuries 9 Chronic kidney disease 10 Lower respiratory infections More

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