What companies are owned by Scientologists?

What companies are owned by Scientologists?


  • 2.1 Association for Better Living and Education International.
  • 2.2 Author Services Inc.
  • 2.3 Bridge Publications, Inc.
  • 2.4 Citizens Commission on Human Rights.
  • 2.5 Delphi Schools, Inc.
  • 2.6 Hubbard College of Administration.
  • 2.7 International Foundation for Human Rights and Tolerance.
  • 2.8 L. Ron Hubbard Library.

What city has the most Scientologists?

Los Angeles, California
Los Angeles, California, has the largest concentration of Scientologists and Scientology-related organizations in the world, with the church’s most visible presence being in the Hollywood district of the city.

Who is the current leader of the Church of Scientology?

David Miscavige
David Miscavige (/mɪˈskævɪdʒ/; born April 30, 1960) is the leader of the Church of Scientology and, according to the organization, “Captain of the Sea Org”….

David Miscavige
Occupation Chairman of the Board, Religious Technology Center
Organization Church of Scientology
Spouse(s) Michele Barnett ​ ( m. 1982)​

Who is Miscavige girlfriend?

Jenna Miscavige Hill
Nationality American
Spouse Dallas Hill
Relatives David Miscavige (uncle) Ron Miscavige Jr. (father) Ron Miscavige Sr. (grandfather)

Where is Jenna Miscavige?

Southern California
Jenna Miscavige Hill was raised as a Scientologist. Since leaving the organization in 2005, she cofounded the website www.exscientologykids.com, which features the stories of current and former Scientologists and supports those who choose to leave the organization. She lives in Southern California.

Where is Ron Miscavige?

David Miscavige’s estranged father Ron Miscavige currently lives in West Allis. Last year he toured the country to promote a tell-all book about Scientology and his son.

Who is Miscavige mother?

Loretta Miscavige
David Miscavige/Mothers
Loretta Miscavige made a pilgrimage to Saint Hill later that year. And the family went together in 1972, staying for 15 months.

How old is Jenna Miscavige?

37 years (February 1, 1984)
Jenna Miscavige Hill/Age

Is Ron Miscavige dead?

Deceased (1936–2021)
Ronald Miscavige/Living or Deceased

What nationality is Miscavige?

David Miscavige/Nationality

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