Which term means an opening into the large intestine?

Which term means an opening into the large intestine?

ostomy- to create an opening. gastroenterostomy (gastr/o/enter/ostomy) is the surgical creation of an opening between the stomach and the intestines.

Which is the medical word for a surgically created opening?

The suffix -ostomy means to surgically create an artificial opening or stoma. A colostomy is a surgical creation of an opening between the colon and the body surface.

What is an artificial opening between the large intestine and the outside of the body?

Surgery Overview The surgical procedure to create the stoma (or any other artificial opening) is called an ostomy. The ileum is connected to the stoma, creating an opening to the outside of the body. The surgery that creates the opening to the intestine is called an ileostomy.

What is the creation of a new opening through the abdominal wall into the colon?

Colostomy, the surgical formation of an artificial anus by making an opening from the colon through the abdominal wall.

Which term means surgical creation of an opening between the ileum and the abdominal wall?

_______________________________________ (ILL ee OSS toh mee) When the colon has to be removed, it requires the surgical creation of a new opening through the abdominal wall and into the ileum of the small intestine. This opening, called a stoma, creates an alternative anus. 30….


Which term means that a surgical opening was created group of answer choices?

The surgical creation of an opening between the large intestine and the outside of the body is called: arteriosclerosis.

What medical term means new opening?

choledochojejunostomy New opening between the common bile duct and the jejunum; anastomosis. gastrojejunostomy New opening between the stomach and the jejunum; anastomosis.

What term is a surgical creation of an opening between ileum and the abdominal wall?

When the colon has to be removed, it requires the surgical creation of a new opening through the abdominal wall and into the ileum of the small intestine. This opening, called a stoma, creates an alternative anus.

Which term means surgical creation of a new opening to the outside from the windpipe?

A tracheostomy is a surgical procedure to create an opening through the neck into the trachea (windpipe).

Which surgical procedure is the creation of the artificial opening into the stomach?

Gastrostomy: Artificial opening into stomach through abdominal wall; this is a feeding method used when swallowing is not possible. Herniorrhaphy: Suture of a hernia to repair.

What is the creation of a surgical passage through the abdominal wall into the ileum called?

Ileostomy: Creation of artificial opening into ileum through abdominal wall for passage of feces (used for Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, or cancer)

What medical term means creation of a surgical opening in the colon?

Colostomy is a surgical procedure that brings one end of the large intestine out through an opening (stoma) made in the abdominal wall.

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