Why are pig-tailed langurs endangered?

Why are pig-tailed langurs endangered?

Status. The species is threatened by destruction of its habitat, hunting for food and capture for the pet trade and its population has been declining rapidly. In the Pagai Islands, it is estimated that twice as many animals are killed by hunters than are replenished through breeding.

What do pig-tailed langurs eat?

Pig-tailed snub-nosed langurs are herbivores who eat mostly leaves (making them folivorous), balanced with fruits and berries (making them frugivorous). Young leaves and unripe fruits are favored. They also eat flowers.

How long is langur tail?

Depending on species, the head and body are about 40 to 80 cm (16 to 31 inches) long and the tail about 50 to 110 cm; weight varies from 5.5 kg (12 pounds) in the smallest species, the white-fronted langur (Presbytis frontata) of Borneo, up to 15 kg in the female and 19 kg in the male of the Himalayan langur ( …

Are langurs endangered?

The grey-shanked douc langur is critically endangered with a population estimated to be around 550-700, The red-shanked douc langur and the black-shanked langur are both endangered. Populations of all 3 species have declined by 50-80% over the last 30 years.

Why is the golden langur endangered?

Within India Several golden langurs have died due to electrocution and in road accidents while looking for food beyond the reserve forests.

How many golden langurs are left?

The Gee’s golden langur, endemic to Bhutan and Assam in India, is one of the world’s most endangered primates. Less than 7000 of the animals remain in the wild today in a slice of forests in western Assam with 80 percent of this population outside protected areas.

What is the status of the pig tailed langur?

At present, the Pig-tailed Snub-nosed Langur is listed on the IUCN Red List (Ver 3.1) as “Critically Endangered” on the basis of criteria A2cd; this equally applies to its two subspecies, S. c. concolor and S.c. siberu.

Where are black footed gray langurs found in India?

Black-footed gray langurs, also called dark-legged Malabar langurs and Malabar sacred langurs, are endemic to the Western Ghats, a mountain range on the southwestern coast of the Indian peninsula. They are found at altitudes ranging between 300 and…

What kind of eyes does a snub nosed langur have?

The pig-tailed snub-nosed langur’s lips are narrow and nondescript. Wisps of hair frame the monkey’s face. Chestnut-colored eyes view the world from beneath a slight forehead ridge. Pig-tailed snub-nosed langurs are asexually dichromatic, meaning that either sex can be one of two color types.

Are there any Delacour’s langurs left in Vietnam?

Vietnam — No more than 250 Delacour’s langurs remain in the limestone mountains of northern Vietnam. The rare monkeys live in 19 isolated groups, most with fewer than 20 individuals. Some subpopulations have declined by 20 percent in the last five years. The traditional medicines trade drives the killing of 30 or more of these animals a year.

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