What is an agency program coordinator?

What is an agency program coordinator?

Agency Program Coordinators (APCs) manage the day-to-day operations of the DoD. travel card program and serve as the primary liaison between the cardholder and the. travel card vendor. APCs are appointed in writing to perform duties outlined in the. Government Travel Charge Card Regulations, section 0411.

What is a DTS APC?

Agency Program Coordinators (APCs) are responsible to their respective DoD Component Program Manager for program execution and management. The APCs are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the DoD travel card program.

What is APC name?

Atelier de Production et de Création, or A.P.C., is a French ready-to-wear brand founded in 1987 by the Tunisian Jewish fashion designer Jean Touitou in Paris.

What is APC in GTCC?

PROGRAM SPECIALIST. Serves as the Agency Program Coordinator (APC) for the Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) program for Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC). Reviews transaction activity reports to ensure cardholders are complying with approved use of government travel cards (GTC).

What is the monthly Agency Organization Program Coordinator reviews?

Monthly and semiannual reviews provide program oversight to ensure effectiveness of purchasing and management internal controls. The Resource/Financial Manager manages the GCPC program for the Head of Activity (HA) per their delegated authority.

Who is liable for all charges on a GSA?

individual account holder
Who is liable for charges? IBA Accounts: The GSA SmartPay Master Contract stipulates that liability for all charges rests with the individual account holder. If the account holder fails to pay his/her account on a timely basis, the bank may suspend or cancel the account and assess late charges and fees.

Which of the following establishes command supervisory and personal?

Government Travel Charge Card Regulations
Government Travel Charge Card Regulations (authorized by DoDI 5154.31, Volume 4) establish command, supervisory, and personal responsibility for use of the GTCC and the operation of the DoD travel card program.

What must a cardholder do upon separation or transfer?

What must a cardholder do upon separation or transfer? Turn in the travel card to OPC. Unauthorized charges associated with the official travel are prohibited. If you submit for travel voucher promptly, you will receive reimbursement cost charge to the travel card.

What is mission critical status?

Mission Critical PCS status is applied to an individually billed account while an individual is traveling to a new permanent duty station. Mission Critical PCS status allows the traveler more time to pay amounts charged during a PCS move. The individual component policies determine whether an IBA can be used for PCS.

Is the GTCC a CBA?

The GTCC includes Individually Billed Accounts (IBAs) and Centrally Billed Accounts (CBAs).

What is an APC in CitiBank?

Agency Program Coordinator (APC) Training.

Who is responsible for sending Agent Appointment Letters?

If you are hired as an agent through your brokerage or agency, sometimes it is the program manager who will be formally receiving and responding to the appointment letters. Within smaller firms with fewer agents (perhaps you are an agency of one), you have the responsibility of directly communicating with your employer.

What does the agency program coordinator guide do?

This document provides Agency Program Coordinators (APCs) with a general overview and guidance on processes and procedures necessary for the successful execution and daily operations of their Organization’s Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) Program.

Who are the coordinators of the DoD travel card program?

Agency Program Coordinators Agency Program Coordinators (APCs) are responsible to their respective DoD Component Program Manager for program execution and management. The APCs are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the DoD travel card program.

How does an agency contract appoint an agent?

An agency contract will appoint and bind the agent to the principal (employer), thereby giving the agent the power to act with the authority of the principal. Agents may have one or several principals, depending on the industry.

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