What time of year can you cut your hedges?

What time of year can you cut your hedges?

When to trim hedges New hedges require formative pruning for their first couple of years after planting. Formative pruning is usually carried out in winter or early spring. After this, maintenance trimming is carried out, usually once a year for informal hedges and twice a year for formal hedges.

When should you not trim hedges?

We recommend avoiding hedge cutting during the main breeding season for nesting birds, which usually runs throughout March to August each year. This can be weather dependent and some birds may nest outside this period, so it is important to always check carefully for active nests prior to cutting.

When should bushes be cut back?

Not all trees and shrubs should be pruned in the winter or early spring, however. Generally speaking, shrubs and trees that bloom on new growth should be pruned in the winter and early spring, while those that bloom on old growth should be pruned in late spring or summer (i.e., after their flowers fade).

Can you trim hedges anytime?

You can prune shrubs at any time of year if it’s necessary—for example, to remove broken branches or dead or diseased wood, or to remove growth that is obstructing a walkway.

Is it illegal to trim hedges in summer?

Wildlife Protection The months of March through to the end of July is the breeding season for birds and as far as hedge cutting is concerned is considered a closed season and unless there exists unavoidable health and safety concerns hedge cutting during this season should be avoided.

Do I have to cut my hedge on my neighbors side?

The ownership of the boundary hedge itself is defined by where the main trunk is growing at. An owner of a hedge is responsible for it not damaging their neighbour’s property. You do NOT have to cut your hedge on your neighbour’s side unless the growth is threatening to damage their property.

When to trim a hedge that is overgrown?

Cut the lowest, heaviest branches back to the trunk if they look overgrown. Because pruning sparks new growths, pruning low on the shrub will encourage the dense foliage that defines hedges. Early spring is the safest time to do this; later in the year, you may snip off new growth, leaving hedges looking thin.

How far back can I trim my hedges?

Don’t cut too far from or too close to the bud you want to encourage. Don’t cut branches flush against the trunk. Don’t cut more than one-fourth of the plant’s height in any one season. Don’t be afraid to prune — your plant actually needs it to remove dead wood and to take on the shape you want.

When should I trim my hedge and shrubs?

Ideally, hedges should be pruned in late winter, when plants are dormant and haven’t produced buds—particularly if you’re cutting back drastically. “You don’t want them to break bud before you prune because you want the plant’s energy to go toward producing new growth where you want it,” says Roger.

What month is late winter?

When is Late Winter? Late winter is 4 to 6 weeks before spring thaw begins. This could be any time in January to May, depending on your climate.

Can I trim hedges in summer?

Now and through the summer months is the time to do any major pruning or cutting back of shrubs and trees. With the fast, summer growth rate upon us the plants will regrow and look beautiful for next fall season.

Can I cut hedges in May?

If you’re wondering when to trim your hedges, it’s usually done sometime between spring and summer. You do, however, have to take into account potential nesting birds as nesting season may run from March to August.

When is the best time to cut back a hedge?

Late winter and early spring are the best times to cut back an overgrown hedge and summer is best for the smaller, more precise trims meant to shape the hedge and control its height. Informal hedges can usually be trimmed annually and more formal hedge should be pruned twice every year – some may even need three cuts a year to look their best.

When does a divorce become final in Massachusetts?

Once the judge signs a Judgement of Divorce, it becomes final after a 90 day waiting period where it becomes an Absolute. There are cases in simplified divorces where the waiting period is reduced to 30 days but that only applies in specific circumstances.

How often should I trim my laurel hedge?

Fast-growing hedges such as laurels, Green Giant Arborvitae need frequent trimming—twice a year to maintain a standard and compact hedge size). On the other hand, slow-growing hedges like Emerald Green Arborvitae require one trim every 2 to 3 years. The table below is a good guideline.

Is it illegal to cut back hedges in the UK?

There are several guidelines to keep in mind when planning when to cut back your hedges. In many areas, it’s actually illegal to disturb wild birds that may be nesting in your hedges. For example, it’s an offense under the UK the Wildlife & Countryside Act to damage or destroy the nest of any wild bird while it is in use or being built.

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