What do urine reagent strips test for?
Urine Reagent Strips are firm plastic strips onto which several separate reagent areas are affixed. The test is for the detection of one or more of the following analytes in urine: Leukocytes, Glucose, Ketone (Acetoacetic acid), Bilirubin, Blood, Specific Gravity, Protein, Urobilinogen, Nitrite, Ascorbic Acid, and pH.
What does Multistix 10 SG test for?
Multistix 10 SG strips provide tests for glucose, bilirubin, ketones, specific gravity, blood, pH, protein, urobilinogen, nitrite, and leukocytes in urine. Test results may provide information regarding the status of carbohydrate metabolism, kidney and liver function, acid-base balance, and urinary tract infection.
How does a urine test strip work?
The test strips consist of a ribbon made of plastic or paper of about 5 millimetre wide, plastic strips have pads impregnated with chemicals that react with the compounds present in urine producing a characteristic colour. For the paper strips the reactants are absorbed directly onto the paper.
Which of the following substances can cause a false positive result for blood on the urine chemical reagent strip?
A false-positive result for blood on the urine reagent strip can occur if the collection container or reagent strip is contaminated with oxidizing agents, such as hypochlorite (bleach) or if the specimen is contaminated with povidone-iodine, a strong oxidizing agent used in surgical procedures.
How do I know if I have a UTI in my urine?
An increased number of WBCs seen in the urine under a microscope and/or positive test for leukocyte esterase may indicate an infection or inflammation somewhere in the urinary tract. If also seen with bacteria (see below), they indicate a likely urinary tract infection.
What does SG mean on urine test?
Definition. Urine specific gravity is a laboratory test that shows the concentration of all chemical particles in the urine.
What is the purpose of a reagent strip?
a strip of paper impregnated with a reagent to a given substance, used in testing for that substance in a body fluid or other secretion.
How are reagent strips used in the operating room?
Blood glucose reagent strip tests in the operating room: influence of hematocrit, partial pressure of oxygen, and blood glucose level: a comparison of the BM-Test 1-44, BM-Accutest, and Satellite G reagent strip systems. The Hemastix [R] Reagent Strip for Urinalysis has been used to test for blood in saliva (4,5).
How are reagent strips used to remove teeth?
4. to remove tooth structure or restorative material from the mesial or distal surfaces of teeth, utilizing abrasive strips; usually done to alleviate crowding. reagent strip a strip of paper impregnated with a reagent to a given substance, used in testing for that substance in a body fluid or other secretion.
What causes the reagent strip to turn blue?
Detect with a microalbumin reagent strip. Alkalinity overrides the acid buffer system on the reagent strip, causing a blue color change unrelated to any protein increase. Allowing dipstick to be in contact with urine too long will wash out the acid buffer system causing a blue color unrelated to any protein increase.