What is Deinococcus radiodurans used for?

What is Deinococcus radiodurans used for?

radiodurans, due to its characteristics, can be used for the treatment of nuclear energy waste. Deinococcus radiodurans has been genetically engineered to consume and digest solvents and heavy metals in these radioactive environments.

What kills Deinococcus radiodurans?

How radiation kills cells: survival of Deinococcus radiodurans and Shewanella oneidensis under oxidative stress.

Is Deinococcus radiodurans harmful to humans?

IT IS almost supernatural. Deinococcus radiodurans, a nondescript bacterium first isolated in 1956 from a spoiled tin of meat, can survive several thousand times the dose of radiation that would kill humans. When it comes to withstanding radiation, the five known members of the family Deinococcaceae have no rivals.

How is Deinococcus radiodurans used in bioremediation?

Deinococcus radiodurans is known as the world’s toughest bacteria and it is the most radiation resistant organism known. Deinococcus has been genetically engineered for use in bioremediation to consume and digest solvents and heavy metals, even in a highly radioactive site.

Where can I get Deinococcus radiodurans?

The bacterium seems to live everywhere and nowhere. It has been found in environments as diverse as elephant dung and granite in Antarctic dry valleys (the environment on Earth thought to most closely resemble Mars), but no one really knows what the microbe’s natural habitat is.

What shape is Deinococcus radiodurans?

Our knowledge of bacterial nucleoids originates mostly from studies of rod- or crescent-shaped bacteria. Here we reveal that Deinococcus radiodurans, a relatively large spherical bacterium with a multipartite genome, constitutes a valuable system for the study of the nucleoid in cocci.

Where can Deinococcus radiodurans be found?

It has even been found on the inside walls of nuclear reactors. The Guinness Book of World Records says that Deinococcus radiodurans is the world’s most extremophile bacterium. As its name suggests, this bacterium can deal with radiation. It has even been found on the inside walls of nuclear reactors.

What does Deinococcus radiodurans eat?

This chemoorganotroph thrives in an aerobic environment with the ability to utilize a vast array sugars, amino and organic acids as a carbon source for catabolism. It basically eats like a 16 year old high school football player, anything and everything it can!

Where is D radiodurans found?

The Guinness Book of World Records says that Deinococcus radiodurans is the world’s most extremophile bacterium….Deinococcus radiodurans.

Latin name Deinococcus radiodurans
Lives in the ground and in excrement, but also in nuclear reactors
Size 1-2 µm

Does anything eat radiation?

Scientists have discovered that a longtime fungal resident of the Chernobyl complex could actually “eat” radiation. Scientists have known about this fungus, and similar extremophile organisms that can thrive on radiation, since at least 2007.

What kingdom is Deinococcus radiodurans?

Data Quality Indicators:

Kingdom Bacteria Cavalier-Smith, 2002 – bactéries, bacteria, bacterias, bactérias
Subkingdom Negibacteria Cavalier-Smith, 2002
Phylum Deinococcus-Thermus
Class Deinococci Garrity and Holt, 2002
Order Deinococcales Rainey et al., 1997

What is a Radiophile?

Radiophile: an organism that thrives in conditions with high levels of radiation, including ultraviolet and nuclear radiation.

What does Deinococcus radiodurans stand for in Latin?

In fact, Deinococcus radiodurans can live through blasts of radiation thousands of times greater than the level that would kill a human being, and its Latin name means “strange berry that withstands radiation.” To learn how D. radiodurans manage to live through such intense blasts of radiation, go here .

Which is better for DNA repair E coli or Deinococcus?

Deinococcus radiodurans has fewer DNA repair genes than the radiation-sensitive bacterium E. coli, which is commonly used in laboratory research. At first glance D. radiodurans doesn’t appear to possess any DNA repair genes that some other bacterium doesn’t also have.

Where do Deinococcus bacteria live in the body?

Deinococcus strains have been grown from a variety of materials including soil, animal feces, and meat. It is speculated that these aerobic bacteria are likely to live in rich organic habitats, such as feces or intestinal contents (R. Murray).

How does Deinococcus spp.contribute to genome res-titution?

Deinococcus spp. has accelerated, catalysed by the avail- ability of genome information and the development of genetic tools. Evidence has accumulated for both passive and enzymatic contributions to genome res- titution (FIG. 1), which provides a framework for our discussion in this review.

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