Can you drink Guinness with a stoma?

Can you drink Guinness with a stoma? With any stoma you can still enjoy alcoholic beverages, unless your doctor tells you otherwise. It is important to be aware that drinking beer will produce an excess of wind, due to the hops that are used to make beer. Can I eat fruit cake with a stoma? […]

Como acomodarse en un bus para dormir?

¿Cómo acomodarse en un bus para dormir? Si estás del lado de la ventana, no apoyes de forma directa la cabeza en el cristal. Te vas a despertar con dolor de cabeza por las vibraciones, y te va a costar más quedarte dormido. Utiliza una manta, un cojín o una cazadora (menos pro, pero funciona) […]

Cual es la diferencia entre la Coca Cola Zero y light?

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre la Coca Cola Zero y light? El refresco de cola zero se asemeja mucho más a la clásica bebida de Coca-Cola en su sabor, mientras que su versión ‘light’ es más ligera gracias a la mezcla de diferentes aromas que posee; pero los componentes principales con los que se elabora […]

Which cricket bat is best for hard ball?

Which cricket bat is best for hard ball? For hard tennis ball a kashmir willow bat is better, its stronger and will not damage as easily as regular poplar. For soft tennis balls usually a poplar wood bat is suitable. For all your cricketing needs, you can visit, to explore our range of tennis […]

Do high heels make your legs look longer?

Do high heels make your legs look longer? High Heels Flats may be more comfortable and easier to walk in, but when you want to elongate your legs, heels are definitely the best option. The reason that heels make your legs look longer is simple – they physically add a couple of inches of height […]

What are RAG2 -/- mice?

What are RAG2 -/- mice? RAG2 knock-out mice produce no mature T cells or B cells. Their phenotype can be described as a “non-leaky” immune deficiency. These mice may be useful in the study of hematopoietic and immune system defects, cancer, toxicology, and xenograft/transplant studies. What is the difference between RAG1 and RAG2 knockout mice? […]

What is the underlying amount definition?

What is the underlying amount definition? The fundamental value of a company, and not its speculated or estimated future value. The underlying value may reflect both tangible and intangible value and, for that reason, may be difficult to calculate. What is the meaning of underlying price in options? In cases involving stock options, the underlying […]

What episode does Mary Margaret and David get together?

What episode does Mary Margaret and David get together? When they discover Kathryn isn’t pregnant in the season 1 episode, “7:15 A.M.,” David and Mary Margaret give in to their feelings and finally engage in a kiss. What did Mary Margaret do to Regina? Mary Margaret (Snow White) used a magic candle to poison Cora, […]

What does a yellow rose with a red tip mean?

What does a yellow rose with a red tip mean? Yellow with Red Tip A yellow rose with a vibrant red tip is a beautiful flower to give when you’re looking for something one of a kind. The yellow represents the vibrancy of your love and the red represents passion. What is the name of […]

Where is Novesta from?

Where is Novesta from? Slovakia Novesta was founded in the 1930s in Partizánske, which is a small town in the middle of Slovakia. There the shoemaker Jan Antonin Bata opened a new factory where he could develop and create the types of footwear that would be practical, fashionable and comfortable. Are Novesta true to size? […]

Can I control my Xbox with my Android phone?

Can I control my Xbox with my Android phone? Microsoft’s Xbox SmartGlass app allows you to launch games, browse TV listings, and control apps on your Xbox One. You can even use it to stream live TV from your Xbox One to your phone. It’s available for Android phones, iPhones, Windows 10 and 8, and […]

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