How long does it take to get to level 10 Ingress?

How long does it take to get to level 10 Ingress?

#1 You can request new Pokestops and Gyms by playing Ingress In order to unlock the Portal submission mechanism, you need to reach Level 10 in Ingress, which can take anywhere from two weeks to a month, depending on your game play pace.

What is Ingress level?

Leveling in Ingress is pretty straightforward. For each level you have to achieve a certain amount of action points. As you level up you can use higher level items. The max level of items you can use directly correlates to the level you are.

What’s the highest level in Ingress?

The level cap on Niantic Labs’ augmented reality massively multiplayer game, Ingress, is now more than double, increasing from level 8 to 16, the developer announced today. Those who reach the higher levels have access to expanded XM storage and can recharge Portals at greater distances and receive.

What is the fastest way to get to level 10 in Pokemon go?

How to get XP fast in Pokémon Go

  1. The most efficient way of getting XP is adding Friends, sending them gifts, then using a Lucky Egg when turning Best Friends.
  2. Low Candy Pokémon such as Weedles are your ticket to fast XP.
  3. Adding a new Pokémon to your Pokédex adds another 500 XP.

Can you play ingress and Pokemon go at the same time?

It’s no secret that Pokémon Go and Ingress both use the same mapping technologies in the game. Many have even used this as a way of making tracking Pokémon easier through using Ingress. Now, thanks to the release of the eagerly anticipated Pokémon Go Plus peripheral, players can easily use both games at the same time.

What is AP ingress?

Edit. Access Points (often called Action Points), referenced in-game as AP, are the experience points of Ingress. Most gameplay actions, such as deploying. , destroying Links, and creating Control Fields Δ, earn AP for the Agent and contribute to his or her Access Level.

How many Pokémon can you evolve in 30 minutes?

One single evolution takes exactly(ish) 25 seconds for the animation to fully play out, meaning that you can’t do anything during that time. So if we account for user speed we can estimate that you can do 2 a minute, meaning you would be able to do 60 evolution’s in a 30 minute period.

Are all Eevee evolutions in Pokemon go?

All the Eevee evolutions are available in Pokémon Go. Leafeon and Glaceon, however, take their names from trainers in Pokémon Sun and Moon rather than the anime. You’ll encounter these two trainers in your quest to earn the Eevium Z – Linnea, of course, has Leafeon in her team and Rea has Glaceon.

What does the access level do in Ingress?

An Agent’s Access Level determines which leveled items they can use, the capacity of their XM tank, and the range at which an Agent can remotely recharge a Portal .

What do you do at level 16 in Ingress?

Most of the people in the agents that are playing that have reached level 16 tend to become mentors and organizers for anomalies and local objectives. Some of the level 16 that get bored leave and then others will switch factions and work up the other side for level 16.

How many gold medals do you need to be an ingress agent?

For example, an Agent with seven Gold Medals and no Silver Medals would be eligible for the 6 Gold + 7 Silver requirement of Level 12 . Agents may only use leveled items – that is, deploy Resonators , fire XMP Bursters and Ultra Strikes , and use Power Cubes – if the item’s level is equal or less than his or her level.

How to calculate remote recharge efficiency in Ingress?

Remote recharge efficiency scales proportionately between 50% at the range limit, to 100% within the 40m area of influence. The specific formula for calculating efficiency is: Efficiency (%) = Floor [1000 – (distance in km)/ (5 * Player Level)]/10 Agent can submit new Missions .

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