What does the line hunger gleamed in his eyes mean?

What does the line hunger gleamed in his eyes mean?

hunger gleamed in his eyes :- feeling so hungry that the expression shows on one’s face. plods along the road :- moving along the road slowly but deliberately, to walk with a heavy feet. unwonted joy :- unusual pleasure or happiness.

What do you infer by the expression keep body and soul together?

Answer : keep body and soul together – to manage to keep alive; to survive.

What is the purpose of world’s existence in the eyes of the peddler?

Answer: The world entices a person through the various good things of life such as riches and joy, shelter and food, heat and clothing. These were just like the baits in the rattrap. Once someone is tempted by the bait, the world closed on him. The peddler was tempted by thirty kronor of the crofter.

What idea about the whole world did strike in his mind once?

Ans: The peddler had been thinking of his rattraps when suddenly he was struck by the idea that the whole world was nothing but a big rattrap. It existed only to set baits for people. It offered riches and joys, shelter and food, heat and clothing in the same manner as the rattrap offered cheese and pork.

What was the peddler’s parting gift?

The peddler had gone leaving behind a little package for Miss willmansson as a Christmas gift. It contained a small rat-trap and three wrinkled ten kroner notes. The letter had words of praise for Edla’s kindness and hospitality. She was happy to see the gift which was a reward of his goodness.

Why did the girl close the door when the ironmaster open the door for the peddler?

When the ironmaster came to know that he mistook the stranger as an old regimental comrade, he ordered him to get out at once. Just as the stranger was opening the door, Edla didn’t want him to go. So she went and closed the door.

What is the meaning of hunger gleamed?

hunger gleamed in his eyes: feeling so hungry that the expression shows on one’s face. plods along the road: moving along the road slowly but deliberately, to walk with a heavy feet. unwonted joy: unusual pleasure or happiness.

What is the meaning of keeping the body and soul together a to eat and sleep B to be happy C to be alive D to work?

Meaning. manage to stay alive with very little money. earn barely enough to keep you alive. just be able to pay for the basic necessities of life – food, clothing and a place to live.

Why did the old man show him his ten kronor bills?

He wanted to share his joy of earning the money with someone. He got his chance when the peddler came along. Moreover, he thought that the peddler did not believe him, so he showed the peddler the thirty kronor bills that he kept in a leather pouch.

Why was the peddler’s life sad and monotonous?

Answer: Explanation: The peddler was trapped in the trap of his poverty, loneliness and desperation. After stealing the money, he got hopelessly lost in the forest and felt that the forest was closing in on him like a trap does around a rat!

Why do you think peddler slept so much at Ramsjo?

Answer: cuz he hear sounds of hammering as ge was lost in the woods and was in search of place to stay in cold December night. Explanation: I help by this answer.

What did the ironmaster and his daughter decide to do with the guest?

When the ironmaster came to know that the peddler was not his old acquaintance, he asked him to go out of the house immediately. But Edla insisted to let the stranger spend the Christmas evening one day in peace since they had called him. Her nice treatment, kindness, hospitality awoke the essential goodness in him.

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