What is a biconcave disc?

What is a biconcave disc?

A biconcave disc — also referred to as a discocyte — is a geometric shape resembling an oblate spheroid with two concavities on the top and on the bottom.

What is the function of biconcave shape?

The biconcave shape of the cell allows oxygen exchange at a constant rate over the largest possible area.

Why are RBC Biconcave discs?

RBCs are disc-shaped with a flatter, concave center. This biconcave shape allows the cells to flow smoothly through the narrowest blood vessels. When the shape does change, it inhibits their ability to carry oxygen or participate in gas exchange.

Which blood cell can be described as being a biconcave disc?

The red blood cells are highly specialized, well adapted for their primary function of transporting oxygen from the lungs to all of the body tissues. Red cells are approximately 7.8 μm (1 μm = 0.000039 inch) in diameter and have the form of biconcave disks, a shape that provides a large surface-to-volume ratio.

What cell is shape Biconcave?

human red blood cell
The shape of the human red blood cell is known to be a biconcave disk. It is evident from a variety of theoretical work that known physical properties of the membrane, such as its bending energy and elasticity, can explain the red-blood-cell biconcave shape as well as other shapes that red blood cells assume.

What are leukocytes?

White blood cells are also called leukocytes. They protect you against illness and disease. Think of white blood cells as your immunity cells. In a sense, they are always at war. They flow through your bloodstream to fight viruses, bacteria, and other foreign invaders that threaten your health.

What is WBC function?

White blood cells (WBCs) are a part of the immune system. They help fight infection and defend the body against other foreign materials.

What are the advantages of biconcave shape of RBC?

The larger surface area of RBCs provides more exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Due to such a shape, RBC can swell easily and squeeze easily through small capillaries without any rupture or damage. Hence, the advantage of RBCs being biconcave is that it increases the surface area.

Which cells are described as being biconcave?

The shape of the human red blood cell is known to be a biconcave disk. It is evident from a variety of theoretical work that known physical properties of the membrane, such as its bending energy and elasticity, can explain the red-blood-cell biconcave shape as well as other shapes that red blood cells assume.

What is a Biconvex?

: convex on both sides.

What kind of shape is a biconcave disc?

A biconcave disc — also referred to as a discocyte — is a geometric shape resembling an oblate spheroid with two concavities on the top and on the bottom.

What does biconcave mean in a medical dictionary?

biconcave adjective Referring to a structure which is concave on both sides, as in a binconcave lens. Segen’s Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc.

Why are red blood cells shaped as a biconcave disk?

The proper name for the ‘dimple’ is the biconcave disk or biconcave shape. They have this to produce more surface area to allow more oxygen to gather in the cell as your blood pulses around your body. Why are red blood cells shaped as biconcave disk?

Is the biconcave lens concave on both sides or surfaces?

Concave on both sides or surfaces: a biconcave lens. bi′con·cav′i·ty(-kăv′ĭ-tē)n. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

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