What is a RoboClaw?

What is a RoboClaw?

The RoboClaws from Basicmicro (formerly Ion Motion Control) are a family of efficient, versatile, synchronous regenerative brushed DC motor controllers. They support a variety of interfaces, including USB serial, TTL serial, RC hobby servo pulses, and analog voltages.

How do I use RoboClaw?

RoboClaw Quick Start Guide

  1. Wire one or two motors to the RoboClaw.
  2. If encoders are being used they need to be wired to the RoboClaw.
  3. Connect a power supply or battery to the RoboClaw.
  4. Connect the RoboClaw to a computer running Windows with a micro USB cable.

What is a motor controller board?

A Motor Controller is a device that acts as intermediary between your robot’s microcontroller, batteries and motors. A motor controller is necessary because a microcontroller can usually only provide roughly 0.1 Amps of current whereas most actuators (DC motors, DC gear motors, servo motors etc.)

Why do I need a motor controller?

A Motor Controller is a device that acts as intermediary between your robot’s microcontroller, batteries and motors. A motor controller is necessary because a microcontroller can usually only provide roughly 0.1 Amps of current whereas most actuators (DC motors, DC gear motors, servo motors etc.) require several Amps.

When would you use a motor controller?

Motor controllers are used with both direct current and alternating current motors. A controller includes means to connect the motor to the electrical power supply, and may also include overload protection for the motor, and over-current protection for the motor and wiring.

Are motor controllers important in industry?

The control manufacturers are mainly involved in the development of improved and cost-effective motor protection devices. Moreover, to ensure motor protection, overload relays are used in circuits to protect motors and motor conductors.

What is a DOL motor?

Direct on line (DOL) motor starting is when a motor is started at full load, with full line voltage applied to motor terminals. If higher powered motors are wired as DOL, it can cause excessive voltage drop in the supply circuit.

What are the two basic types of motor controls?

There are four basic motor controller and drive types: AC, DC, servo, and stepper, each having an input power type modified to the desired output function to match with an application.

Who invented motor controller?

Harry Ward Leonard
New York City, U.S. Harry Ward Leonard (February 8, 1861 – February 18, 1915) was an American electrical engineer and inventor. He is best known for his invention, the Ward Leonard motor control system. Equipment based on this invention remained in service into the 21st century.

How to use the roboclaw library in Python?

The first step in using the Python library is to import the relevant section of code from the RoboClaw Python library. In the example below two import statements are shown, one for Python 2 and one for Python 3. Only use the import statement that is relevant for the version of Python being used.

Do you need to install Pip before using roboclaw?

Save the file to a location where it is easily found, as it will need to be referenced/included in any Python code used to control the RoboClaw. Pip is the package manager for Python, it needs to be installed before using the library so that the package called “pyserial” can be installed.

How are M1 and m2 used in roboclaw?

Functions with M1 and M2 in their name can be used to control both motors at the same time. The functions below are used for motor positioning. Address is the address of the RoboClaw to control.

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