What are the two different ways in which compression hosiery can be supported?

What are the two different ways in which compression hosiery can be supported?

By compressing the surface veins, arteries and muscles, they force circulating blood through narrower channels. As a result, the arterial pressure is increased, which causes more blood to return to the heart and less blood to pool in the feet. There are two types of compression stockings, gradient and anti-embolism.

What is the difference between support hose and compression stockings?

There is a simple dividing line between support hose and compression stockings. Support hose have a compression level at or below 20 mmHg while compression stockings are rated 20 mmHg or above. The mmHg abbreviation stands for millimeters of mercury and is the same unit of measure in blood pressure.

What are the different grades of compression stockings?

The standard compression levels for compression stockings are 15-20 mmHg (over the counter), 20-30 mmHg (medical class 1), 30-40 mmHg (medical class 2) and 40-50 mmHg (medical class 3). There are other levels of compression, however these are standardized and the most commonly used.

Who can measure for compression stockings?

Professional Fitter
1. Consult a Professional Fitter. The most accurate way to measure compression socks is to consult a professional fitter. Retail stores that carry compression socks have fitters that would take all your measurements and advise you on size.

What should the compression level be in compression stockings?

Over the Counter 15-20 mmHg. A low level of compression, such as 15-20 mmHg is a great choice for everyday compression stockings to help with mild swelling and fatigued legs due to long periods of travel, sitting or standing.

When do you need a graduated compression sock?

Graduated or medical compression stockings. Graduated compression stockings exert the greatest degree of compression at the ankle, and the level of compression gradually decreases up the garment. They are often used to treat chronic venous disease and edema.

What does mmHg stand for in compression stockings?

Compression levels are indicated with a range of numbers like 30-40 mmHg. This means that the amount of pressure will not fall below 30 mmHg and will not exceed 40 mmHg. mmHg is the unit used to measure pressure and is called ‘millimeters of mercury’. This unit is also used to measure blood pressure.

When to see a doctor about compression stockings?

Contact your health care provider if swelling persists for more than a couple of days or to discuss other options if you are having trouble wearing the stockings. Finally, it’s important that while you wear compression stockings you check your legs daily for areas of skin irritation, redness or other color or skin changes.

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