What does Foo mean slang?

What does Foo mean slang?

Foo is commonly used slang term in computer programming as a term to express different variables, functions and other specific concept commands.

What does Foo and bar mean?

Foo and bar come from the US Army WWII acronym FUBAR, “F-ed Up Beyond All Recognition”. A whole family of these terms came into widespread use during the North African and Sicilian campaigns (1942-43).

What is Foo in Python?

Rather, foo is a name with a binding to the object created by Foo(). The portion of the right hand side of the equals sign creates an object. Assigning foo to that object merely says “I want to be able to refer to this object as foo.”. Instead of variables (in the classic sense), Python has names and bindings.

What is foo bar baz?

Foo bar baz are placeholder names used in computer programming to fill in for unknown, flexible, or as-yet undecided variables, including events or processes. While foo bar baz might sound alien, most people use placeholder names all the time. Thingamajig, whatshisface, Jane Doe, John Q. Public, doodad and gizmo are all placeholder names.

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