What is the exposition of Phaethon?

What is the exposition of Phaethon?

Exposition-The Setting is the Forest were a Village was settled. The characters were Phaethon, Apollo, Epaphus, Zeus, and the Heliad sister. Rising Action-Phaethon was on a journey to find the eastern palace and found his father. Phaethon tricks Apollo to give his promise and Apollo does not see this coming.

What is the climax of Phaethon?

The climax of this story is when Phaethon, who is Helios’s son, starts riding his dads chariot. Then, Jove, the god of the sky’s, hurls a bolt at Phaethon. Phaethon falls to the earth and dies on impact.

How are Icarus and Phaethon different?

Phaethon and Icarus share the tragic flaws of heedlessness and hubris. Both boys fail to listen to the good advice of their parents. Phaëthon ignores his father’s urging not to drive his sun chariot; Icarus forgets his father’s directions not to fly to close to the sun. Icarus’ hubris is more symbolic.

What is the setting at the beginning of Phaethon?

He was setting rooftops, trees, and people’s clothes on fire. He was satisfied after Epaphus had seen him. He wished to fly away to another planet. How many times did Phaethon fly low and scorch the Earth?

What is the resolution of the story Phaethon?

The resolution was Phaethon was mourned by the poplar trees, which were his sisters, and the world was forever scarred (or changed) by Phaethon’s recklessness.

What is the lesson in Phaethon?

The story of Phaethon teaches us how being careless and foolish can lead to big mistakes. I also believe the moral lesson in the story is to not get drawn into hubris. It has warned us to not make the same mistakes and to make wiser decisions. Phaethon is the best greek myth to learn from.

What is the moral lesson of Phaethon?

Do not take on that which is not meant for you, and leave no advice or warning unheeded. That is the moral of the story of Phaethon.

What is the falling action of the story Phaethon?

Falling action A new chariot is made, Apollo is sad about the loss of his son, and Apollo reluctantly flies the new chariot.

What situation did Phaethon face?

Phaethon set off but was entirely unable to control the horses of the sun chariot, which came too near to the earth and began to scorch it. To prevent further damage, Zeus hurled a thunderbolt at Phaethon, who fell to the earth at the mouth of the Eridanus, a river later identified as the Po.

What is the lesson of Phaethon?

What is the plot for the story Phaethon?

A horrifying tale of reckless daring and ecological catastrophe. Phaeton (or Phaethon, the ‘shining one’) was the son of a water nymph, Clymene, and, allegedly, the sun god Helios. In order to confirm that he really was his father, Helios promised by the river Styx to grant Phaeton any wish.

What was the story of Phaethon in Greek mythology?

THE STORY OF PHAETHON IN GREEK MYTHOLOGY. The name of Phaethon was a common one in Greek mythology, with a son of Eos, and indeed one of the Dawn goddess’ horses, both named such. The most famous Phaethon in Greek mythology though, was a son of Helios.

What was the name of Phaethon’s four horses?

The Fall of Phaethon. The four horses of Helios, Aethon, Eous, Phlegon and Pyrois, are then harnessed up, and with night dismissed, Phaethon sets of on Helios’ chariot. Almost immediately though, there are problems, for Phaethon cannot control the horses, and the chariot veers upwards and downwards violently.

Why did Phaethon forget to drive his Sun Chariot?

Phaëthon ignores his father’s urging not to drive his sun chariot; Icarus forgets his father’s directions not to fly to close to the sun. Their heedless disregard for their parents’ wisdom is truly tragic. Some scholars also argue that both characters are brought low by hubris, or excessive pride.

What was the unthinkable request of Phaethon?

It proved to be a rash promise, for swearing on the Styx formed an unbreakable promise, and when Phaethon asked for the unthinkable, Helios was left with no option but to agree. The unthinkable request of Phaethon was that the young man wished to drive Helios’ chariot across the sky for one day.

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