Which is the additive inverse answer?

Which is the additive inverse answer?

Additive inverse is also called the opposite of the number, negation of number or changed sign of original number. Fact: Additive inverse of zero is zero only….Additive Inverse of Rational Numbers.

Fraction Additive Inverse Result
10/3 -10/3 10/3 + (-10/3) = 0

What is additive inverse explain with example?

Additive inverse is what number you add to a given number to make the sum zero. For example, if we take the number 3 and add -3 to it, the result is zero. Hence, the additive inverse of 3 is -3.

How do you find the additive inverse?

Think about what number needs to be added to the given number in order for the sum to equal 0. To find the additive inverse of a the given number, take the given number and change the sign. The resulting number is the additive inverse.

What is the additive inverse of (- 4?

Step-by-step explanation: Additive inverse is the number from zero on a number line but in the opposite direction. It is used to describe the opposites like the reflection of the number in the mirror. For example 3, the opposite of it in the number line is -3 and so for the 4, the additive inverse will be -4.

What is additive inverse of Z?

Thus additive inverse of z is −z.

What is additive inverse of Brainly?

Answer:The additive inverse of a number x is the number that, when added to x, yields zero. This number is also known as the opposite (number), sign change, and negation. For a real number, it reverses its sign: the opposite to a positive number is negative, and the opposite to a negative number is positive.

What is the additive inverse of 2 /- 9 answer?

Additive inverse of -2/9 is +2/9.

What is the additive inverse of 2 3?

Answer: Additive inverse of 2/3 is (- 2/3).

What is the inverse of a number?

The inverse of a number A is 1/A since A * 1/A = 1 (e.g. the inverse of 5 is 1/5) All real numbers other than 0 have an inverse. Multiplying a number by the inverse of A is equivalent to dividing by A (e.g. 10/5 is the same as 10* 1/5)

What is additive inverse math?

: a number that when added to a given number gives zero the additive inverse of 4 is −4 — compare opposite sense 3.

What is the additive inverse of /- 7?

For example, the additive inverse of 7 is −7, because 7 + (−7) = 0, and the additive inverse of −0.3 is 0.3, because −0.3 + 0.3 = 0.

What is the inverse of 3?

3 * 1/3 = 1. Thus the multiplicative inverse of 3 is 1/3.

Does every natural number have an additive inverse?

Natural numbers, cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers do not have additive inverses within their respective sets. Thus one can say, for example, that natural numbers do have additive inverses, but because these additive inverses are not themselves natural numbers, the set of natural numbers is not closed under taking additive inverses.

Does every integer has an additive inverse?

Additive Inverse: For every integer n, there is a unique integer m such that n + m = m + n = 0. The integer m is called the additive inverse of n . This property of integers is called the inverse property for integer addition .

What does opposite or additive inverse mean?

In mathematics, the additive inverse of a number a is the number that, when added to a, yields zero.This number is also known as the opposite (number), sign change, and negation. For a real number, it reverses its sign: the additive inverse (opposite number) of a positive number is negative , and the additive inverse of a negative number is positive . Zero is the additive inverse of itself.

What is the additive inverse of a negative fraction?

The additive inverse of any negative number is that same number with a plus sign before it. (-17) + (+17) = 0.

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