What are the Cultural Heritage of Ethiopia?

What are the Cultural Heritage of Ethiopia?

World Heritage Sites

Name Location
Lower Valley of the Awash Afar Region 11°6′0.216″N 40°34′45.804″E
Lower Valley of the Omo Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People’s Region 4°48′0″N 35°58′0″E
Rock-Hewn Churches, Lalibela Amhara Region 12°1′45.66″N 39°2′25.512″E
Simien National Park Amhara Region 13°11′0″N 38°4′0″E

What is included in tangible cultural heritage?

‘Tangible Cultural Heritage’ refers to physical artefacts produced, maintained and transmitted intergenerationally in a society. Examples of intangible heritage are oral traditions, performing arts, local knowledge, and traditional skills.

What is maritime Cultural Heritage?

Maritime heritage includes not only physical resources such as historic shipwrecks and prehistoric archaeological sites, but also archival documents and oral histories. Maritime heritage can also include the stories of indigenous cultures that have lived and used the oceans for thousands of years.

What are the 3 types of Cultural Heritage?

Cultural Heritage can be distinguished into three types; built environment (buildings, townscapes, archaeological remains); natural environment (rural landscapes, coasts and shorelines, agricultural heritage); and artifacts (books & documents, objects, pictures) ( Figure …

How many cultural heritages are there?

There are 32 cultural, 7 natural, and 1 mixed property in the 40 UNESCO World Heritage sites in India.

How many cultural heritages are there in Ethiopia?

8 cultural sites
There are a total of 9 UNESCO World Heritage attractions in Ethiopia, 8 cultural sites and one natural conservation area, the Simien National Park, home to a range of native endangered animals such as the Gelada baboon and the Ethiopian wolf.

What are the types of tangible heritage?

Tangible cultural heritage refers to things that we can store or physically touch. Examples of tangible cultural heritage include traditional clothing, tools, buildings, artwork, monuments, and modes of transportation. Intangible cultural heritage refers to things that are not physical items but exist intellectually.

Why is it important to preserve tangible cultural heritage?

that are considered vital to be preserved for future generations. Cultural heritage gives people a connection to certain social values, beliefs, religions and customs. It also allows them to identify with others with similar backgrounds.

Who studies maritime heritage?

NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (ONMS) and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) have partnered to develop a landmark study of maritime heritage resources and maritime cultural landscapes.

What do you mean by maritime?

1 : of, relating to, or bordering on the sea a maritime province. 2 : of or relating to navigation or commerce on the sea. 3 : having the characteristics of a mariner.

What are the different types of cultural heritage?

Cultural heritage includes: cultures, customs, beliefs, rites, rituals, ceremonies, indigenous knowledge, social customs and traditions, arts, crafts, music, political and ideological beliefs that influence culture and behavior, history, practices concerning the natural environment, religious and scientific traditions.

What are the 2 types of heritage?

The “World Heritage Convention” classifies the world heritage of humankind into two categories, ‘cultural heritage’ and ‘natural heritage’, clearly indicated in the title of the convention.

Which is an intangible form of cultural heritage?

Intangible forms of heritage include oral traditions, community bonds, and language. Tangible forms of heritage are what we will explore on this page—material traces left behind which transmit important cultural and historical knowledge from one generation to the next.

How is intangible cultural heritage being safeguarded in Albania?

To be implemented by the Ministry of Culture, the proposed 26-month project is aimed at carrying out a community-based inventory of intangible cultural heritage in Albania, with a view to drawing up tailored action plans for its safeguarding and transmission to future generations.

Which is the centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in Belarus?

To be implemented by the Centre of Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts, the proposed twenty-four-month project has three main objectives.

What are the three dimensions of cultural heritage?

Broad philosophical, technical, and political issues and dimensions of cultural heritage include: 1 Cultural heritage repatriation 2 Cultural heritage management 3 Cultural property law 4 Heritage tourism 5 Virtual heritage

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