Why is Roman de Fauvel significant?

Why is Roman de Fauvel significant?

Roman de Fauvel, (French: “Romance of Fauvel”), French poem by Gervais du Bus that, in addition to its literary value, is a crucial document for the history of music. The poem condemns abuses in contemporary political and religious life.

What animal is fauvel?

The romance features Fauvel, a fallow-colored horse who rises to prominence in the French royal court, and through him satirizes the self-serving hedonism and hypocrisy of men, and the excesses of the ruling estates, both secular and ecclesiastical.

Who wrote some of the motets in the Roman de Fauvel?

The isorhythmic motet was perfected by Guillaume de Machaut, the finest composer of the time. Page of the French manuscript Livres de Fauvel, Paris (ca. 1318), “the first practical source of Ars nova music.”

When was the Roman de Fauvel written?

The Roman de Fauvel is a satiric 3,000-line poem written anonymously by French monarchal cleric Gervais de Bus in the years between 1310 and 1314.

What happens in the narrative poem Roman de Fauvel?

What happens in the narrative poem, Roman de Fauvel? A jackass rises from the stable to prominence, as allegory for a world with iniquitous rulers. What is a Landini cadence? The tenor descends stepwise to the first step and the upper voice moves from the 7th step of the scale to the 6th, then up a 3rd to the first.

What is the compositional technique known as Isorhythm?

Isorhythm (from the Greek for “the same rhythm”) is a musical technique using a repeating rhythmic pattern, called a talea, in at least one voice part throughout a composition.

What makes this a Landini cadence?

use by Landini Landini, is known as the Landini cadence, in which the leading tone drops to the sixth of the scale before approaching the final tonic note.

What community was a major patron of Ars Subtilior composers?

During the Great Schism (1378-1417), a second pope emerged in Avignon. The papal court there, oddly enough, was a great patron of secular music, and composers were able to be very creative. This led to a sub-genre of the Ars Nova, called the Ars Subtilior.

Why is isorhythm significant?

Discarding modal-rhythmic limitations, isorhythm became a significant organizing principle of much of 14th-century French polyphony by extending the talea of an initial section to the entire composition in conjunction with variation of a corresponding color.

What is the most well known form of plainsong called?

Plainchant, or plainsong, is also known as Gregorian chant and forms the core of the musical repertoire of the Roman Catholic Church.

What is a Phrygian cadence?

The so-called Phrygian cadence is a Baroque mannerism consisting of a IV6-V final cadence in the minor mode at the end of a slow movement or slow introduction. It implies that a fast movement is to follow without pause, generally in the same key.

What is a Burgundian cadence?

Term. Burgundian cadence. Definition. (octave-leap cadence) when three voices are present, the contratenor often jumps an octave to avoid parallel fifths and to fill in texture of final chord.

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