What is the distance between Delhi to Kalka?
Distance Between Delhi to Kalka
Distance between Delhi to Kalka by Road is | 270 Kms |
Distance between Delhi to Kalka by Flight is | 248 Kms |
Travel Time from Delhi to Kalka by Road is | 5:44 hrs |
Nearest Airport in Delhi | Indira Gandhi (28.61, 77.21) |
Nearest Airport in Kalka | Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport (30.84, 76.93) |
How far is Shimla from Kalka?
Shimla is connected to Kalka (96 kms) on Meter Gauge and it takes around 6 Hrs from KALKA to reach SHIMLA. There are 3-4 trains daily from Kalka to Shimla and vice-versa. Shivalik Express is luxury Deluxe Train on this route with less halts and pantry facility.
How far is Kalka from Chandigarh?
Distance Between Kalka to Chandigarh
Distance between Kalka to Chandigarh by Road is | 27 Kms |
Distance between Kalka to Chandigarh by Flight is | 18 Kms |
Travel Time from Kalka to Chandigarh by Road is | 0:39 hrs |
Nearest Airport in Kalka | Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport (30.84, 76.93) |
How can I go to Kalka?
The fastest way to reach from New Delhi to Kalka is flight to Chandigarh International Airport, then cab to Kalka and takes 2h 18m. The recommended way to reach from New Delhi to Kalka is cab to Kalka and takes 4h 8m. Cabs from Waah Taxis, Gozo etc. Train numbers 04673, 02715, 04649 etc.
How can I go to Kalka by flight?
The fastest way to reach from Kolkata to Kalka is flight to Chandigarh International Airport, then cab to Kalka and takes 3h 53m. The recommended way to reach from Kolkata to Kalka is flight to Chandigarh International Airport, then cab to Kalka and takes 3h 53m.
How can I go to Kasauli from Kalka?
- 1 ways to reach Kasauli from Kalka.
- 1 ways to reach Kasauli. There is a direct cab from Kalka to Kasauli. The minimum time taken by a cab from Kalka is 0m. The cheapest way to reach from Kalka to Kasauli is cab to Kasauli and takes 16m. The fastest way to reach from Kalka to Kasauli is cab to Kasauli and takes 16m.
Is Kalka safe at night?
not recommended to stay at station during night. it gets pretty desolate after midnight and is not safe. shivalik is a good option but is a bit far (approx 1 1/2 kms) by walk. if you are going to stay here, pre book a taxi for morning pickup from taxi stand located just outside kalka station.
How many platforms are there in Kalka?
Kalka railway station
Kalka | |
Line(s) | Delhi–Kalka line Kalka–Shimla Railway |
Platforms | 7 |
Tracks | 9 |
Construction |
Is Ola available in Kalka?
Tourist can also hire ola cab, meru cab, savaari taxi service to travel in and around Kalka.
How do I get to Kalka station?
Go to Chandigarh bus stand and catch an early morning bus. it will take around 1 hour. Call the bus terminal enquiry for exact timings. Kalka ralway station is about 1 km from bus stand.
Is Shimla connected by train?
How to reach Shimla by train. The nearest broad gauge railway station from Shimla is the Kalka Railway Station which is only 90 km away. Chandigarh Railway station is also just 113 km away from Shimla. From both of these railway stations, Shimla is well connected with local buses and cabs.
How can I reach kasol from Delhi?
There is no direct transport mode connectivity between New Delhi and Kasol. The cheapest way to reach from New Delhi to Kasol is bus to Kullu, then cab to Kasol and takes 12h 50m. The fastest way to reach from New Delhi to Kasol is flight to Kullumanali Airport, then cab to Kasol and takes 3h 51m.