How long does it take for a big toe fracture to heal?

How long does it take for a big toe fracture to heal?

The healing time for broken toes usually takes about six weeks to heal. If problems last longer than six weeks, another X-ray may be needed, or the injury should be rechecked by the doctor to evaluate how the bone is healing. Simple toe fractures usually heal well with no problems.

How do you know if your big toe is fractured?

Broken Toe Symptoms Bruising of the skin around the toe may also be noticeable. The toe may not look normal, and it may even look bent or deformed if the broken bone is out of place. It may be difficult to walk because of the pain, especially if the big toe is fractured. Shoes may be painful to wear or feel too tight.

Can a big toe fracture heal on its own?

Most broken toes will heal on their own with proper care at home. It can take 4 to 6 weeks for complete healing. Most pain and swelling will go away within a few days to a week.

Did I just break toe?

Throbbing pain in the toe is the first sign that it may be broken. You may also hear the bone break at the time of injury. A broken bone, also called a fracture, may also cause swelling at the break. If you’ve broken your toe, the skin near the injury may looked bruised or temporarily change color.

Should a broken toe still hurt after 2 weeks?

Your toe is likely to be tender and swollen, even after a few weeks. You’ll likely need to avoid running, playing sports, or walking long distances for one to two months after your injury. Recovery time can be longer if the break is in one of the metatarsals.

Can you break a big toe?

A broken (fractured) big toe may be put in a cast to support it, as it takes much more of your weight than the other toes and is also needed for balance. The big toe is more likely than the smaller toes to need surgery in order to heal properly and to be as strong as it was before you broke it.

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