What is en 001?

What is en 001?

The language code for World English is “en-001” and European English is “en-150.” The rest of this article tries to explain how that came to be and what the consequences of using these language codes in the real world might be.

What is English United States Posix?

noun. (also POSIX) Computing. A set of formal descriptions that provide a standard for the design of operating systems, especially ones which are compatible with Unix.

How much is a 1st edition blue-eyes worth?

Blue-Eyes White Dragon #001 (1ST EDITION)

Date Price Type
5/28/2021 $2,946.00 Auction
5/28/2021 $10,250.00 Auction
5/13/2021 $508.35 Auction
5/3/2021 $435.00 Auction

What is POSIX and LDAP?

The LDAP directory uses a hierarchical structure to store its objects and their attributes, this structure can be thought of as a N-dimesional object. In contrast to this, POSIX or UNIX environments use a flat UID and GID namespace of entities (users, groups, services, etc.)

What is Lc_collate?

LC_COLLATE. Specifies a collation order and regular expression definition for the locale. LC_MESSAGES. Specifies the language in which the localized messages are written, and affirmative and negative responses of the locale (yes and no strings and expressions).

What language is ICU?

International Components for Unicode (ICU) is an open-source project of mature C/C++ and Java libraries for Unicode support, software internationalization, and software globalization. It gives applications the same results on all platforms and between C, C++, and Java software.


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