What is the difference between Santeria and Candomble?

What is the difference between Santeria and Candomble?

Santeria is also called Lukumí or Regla de Ocha. It originated in Cuba and was historically practiced by descendants of West African slaves. Candomblé was originally brought to Brazil by African slaves between 1549 and 1888.

What language is Candomble?

The word Candomblé means “ritual dancing or gather in honor of gods” and Ketu is the name of the Ketu region of Benin. Its liturgical language, known as yorubá or Nagô, is a dialect of Yoruba.

What is an Orixa?

Orixas are ancestors who have been deified. These orixas can be from recent history, perhaps only one hundred years old, or they may be over a thousand years old. Orixas are a link between the spiritual world and the world of humans. Collectively, ancestor spirits are called ‘Baba Egum’ in Brazil.

Who was Mae Stella de Oxossi and what did she do?

Mãe Stella de Oxóssi (born Maria Stella de Azevedo Santos, also known as Odé Kayodê, 2 May 1925 – 27 December 2018) was a iyalorixá, or priestess in the Brazilian Candomblé religion. She was the fifth iyalorixá (chief priestess) of Ilê Axé Opô Afonjá, a Candomblé terreiro in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.

What are the sister religions of the Candomble?

Various religions in the Americas arose through the blending of West African traditions with Roman Catholicism; due to their shared origins, Cuban Santería and Haitian Vodou have been described as “sister religions” of Candomblé.

What is the name of the supreme God in Candomble?

In Candomblé, the supreme deity is called Olorun or Olodumare. Candomblé focuses on the worship of the orixás or orishas, also known as santos (“saints”). The males are termed aborôs, the females iabás.

What do you call an elder initiate in Candomble?

A newer initiate is known as an iaô, and an elder initiate is known as an ebomi. Knowledge about Candomblé is referred to as the fundamentos (foundations”). There are three main nations: Ketu (Queto) or Nagô, Jeje (Gege) or Mina-Jeje, and Angola or Congo-Angola.

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