What is Dodic in the army?

What is Dodic in the army?

According to VOA, views like those of Dodic worry Western leaders….DODIC.

Acronym Definition
DODIC Department Of Defense Identification Code

Where is the dodic on ammo box?

A DODIC is a single letter and three numbers or, in the case of small guided missiles, two letters and two numbers. It is attached at the end of all NSNs to denote interchangeability of the item. Communications between ammunition units often use an ammunition item DODIC.

What is the Yellow Book army?

The Yellow Book provides THE USER IN THE FIELD with a ready “user friendly” consolidated reference to basic data and regulatory criteria.

What is dodic used for?

The Department of Defense Identification Code (DODIC) is a four-digit code assigned by the Defense Logistics Services Center (DLSC). It identifies ammunition and explosive items (non-nuclear) within the supply system applicable to all the armed forces.

What is an ammunition lot number?

For all ammunition items and their components, the ammunition lot number consists of a manufacturer’s identification symbol, a numeric code showing the year of production, an alpha code representing the month of production, a lot intermix number followed by a hyphen, a lot sequence number, and, when necessary, an alpha …

What is a DA pamphlet?

Department of the Army (DA) pamphlet A permanent instructional publication. Department of the Army (DA) poster A decorative or pictorial bill or placard for posting, often in a public place, and intended primarily for advertising.

How long can ammunition be limited to be stored in the AHA?

d. (1) Units that are located less than 3 hours from an approved ammunition-storage facility (for example, an AHA or ASP) may store limited amounts (the amount required to support their training needs) of HD 1.2. 2, HD 1.3, and HD 1.4 munitions for up to 4 workdays plus the number of training days.

What does a yellow tip on a bullet mean?

This ammo is identified with a yellow tip. ALL armor piercing, incendiary and tracer ammunition. Yellow tip means DO NOT SHOOT it in your rifle. Black Armour piercing.

What do the letters mean on ammo?

While most people realize the numbers on their ammunition represent the caliber or diameter of the cartridge, the letters preceding them can be a bit mysterious. Most often these acronyms are placed there by the manufacturer that invented the cartridge, and are used to identify the type and inventor of the round.

Which material is not Mppeh?

2. Material Documented as Safe (MDAS). MDAS is MPPEH that has been assessed and documented as not presenting an explosive hazard and for which the chain of custody has been established and maintained. This material is no longer considered to be MPPEH.

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