What is the use of CD-ROM?

What is the use of CD-ROM?

Used to store programs and data files, a CD-ROM holds 650MB or 700MB of data and employs a different recording format than the audio CD (CD-DA), from which it evolved. In the 1990s, the CD-ROM rapidly replaced the floppy disk for software distribution.

What are the basic features of CD-ROM?

CD-ROM, abbreviation of compact disc read-only memory, type of computer memory in the form of a compact disc that is read by optical means. A CD-ROM drive uses a low-power laser beam to read digitized (binary) data that has been encoded in the form of tiny pits on an optical disk.

What is the difference between CD and CD-ROM?

A Compact Disc Read Only Memory (CD-ROM) is a read-only disc. These types of disks are created commercially and you cannot save data to them once they have been created. A Compact Disc Recordable (CD-R) is a Write Once Read Multiple (WORM) disc. After writing to a CD-R, it becomes a CD-ROM.

Are CD ROMs still used?

CD-ROM will become pretty much obsolete in countries with decent internet coverage within the next 5 years, especially since band with keeps improving. Hardware companies still send drivers with their products on CD-ROM, but that’s also starting to disappear in highly developed regions.

What is CD-ROM learning?

The advent of computers in the classroom has changed the shape of education. Students now have the opportunity to utilize Compact Disc-Read Only Memory (CD-ROM) for research and compilation of information. Through the introduction of CD-ROM, students have been encouraged to research topics across the curriculum.

What is CD-ROM describe its functioning and uses?

CD-ROM stands for Compact Disc Read Only Memory. It functions as a compact disc that stores computer data of graphics, text, and audio. They are popular for software and other multimedia applications. CD-ROMs can store up to 700MB of data.

What is kind of CD-ROM?

The correct answer is Optical disc. Important Points. Compact Disc Read-Only Memory, a CD-ROM is an optical disc that contains audio or software data whose memory is read-only.

What is CD-ROM with example?

The definition of a CD-ROM drive is the place on a computer where a compact disc can be held, read and played. An example of a CD-ROM drive is where a person can play a music CD on the computer. Modern CD-ROM drives also play audio CDs.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of CD-ROM?

CD-ROM – CD Read Only Memory. Data can only be written once i.e. once the pits are burnt on to the surface, that part of the disk cannot be used again for storage although it can be re-played endless times….7. Compact Disks.

Advantages of CDs Disadvantages of CDs
Small and portable Fairly fragile, easy to snap or scratch

What is the difference between CD ROMS and DVD ROMS?

The CD ROM stands for Compact Disc Read Only Memory. The DVD ROM stands for Digital Versatile Disk Read Only Memory. The major difference is CD can occupy 700 MB but a DVD can occupy 4.7 GB in general. storage capacity: CD can store 700 mb while a DVD can store 4.7gb to 17gb depending upon type of DVD.

What is a ROM and what does it do?

ROM is memory that cannot be changed by a program or user. ROM retains its memory even after the computer is turned off. For example, ROM stores the instructions for the computer to start up when it is turned on again.

How is compact disc useful to teaching and learning?

The CD-ROMs prepared with the purpose of education and which are efficient enable the development of hand- eye coordination, attention, perception skills of the children, and also provide the support of all developmental areas and the independent learning.

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