Can a blue eye and green eyed parents?

Can a blue eye and green eyed parents?

First, the answer is yes to both questions: two blue-eyed parents can produce green or brown-eyed children. What we are taught in high school biology is generally true, brown eye genes are dominant over green eye genes which are both dominant over blue eye genes.

How do I know if I carry the recessive blue eye gene?

Another way to tell if a trait is recessive is if both parents and all their kids share that same trait. In our case here, both parents have brown eyes but they had a blue-eyed child. So this follows the first pattern meaning blue eyes are recessive. The same would be true for blonde hair.

What eye color is dominant?

brown eyes
Eye color was traditionally described as a single gene trait, with brown eyes being dominant over blue eyes. Today, scientists have discovered that at least eight genes influence the final color of eyes.

Are blue eyes recessive or dominant?

Blue will always be recessive. If both parents have a blue allele, it is likely that the child will have blue eyes. However, if one parent has green eyes and the other blue, your child will most likely have green eyes, as green is dominant over blue.

What genes are responsible for blue eyes?

Melanin. At the most basic level,the answer to what causes eye color is the pigment melanin.

  • Genes. The gene seemingly most responsible for determining whether eyes are brown or blue is the OCA2 gene,located on chromosome number 15.
  • Diseases. Certain diseases and medications can cause color changes in the eye.
  • Aging.
  • What gene causes blue eyes?

    In humans, he says, blue eyes are caused by a genetic variation between a pair of genes called HERC2 and OCA2 in the human genome. According to Irizarry , the mutation of the ALX4 gene in Siberian huskies seems to result in decreased pigment production in the eye. The lack of pigment causes the eye to appear blue.

    Are green eyes more recessive than blue?

    Yes, green eyes are a recessive trait. The heredity of eye colour involves two genes so it isn’t completely predictable but green eyes are recessive since they involve some of the same pigmentation alleles that produce blue eyes which are recessive.

    Are blue eyes more common than hazel eyes?

    But it turns out that having hazel eyes is less common than having either blue or brown eyes, as only 5 percent of people have that color in their irises. Additionally, approximately 5 percent of the world’s population have amber-colored eyes, although sometimes this is confused with the hazel pattern.

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