Can string theory be solved?

Can string theory be solved?

The mathematics necessary to solve the theory have not yet been discovered.) Because string theory has near-miraculous breakthroughs every 8 to 10 years, we can expect 2 more breakthroughs in the theory before 2020, and hence might be able to solve this theory by then.

What is the major problem with the string theory?

One of the challenges of string theory is that the full theory does not have a satisfactory definition in all circumstances. Another issue is that the theory is thought to describe an enormous landscape of possible universes, which has complicated efforts to develop theories of particle physics based on string theory.

What is the formula of string theory?

The Hamiltonian of the closed string, provided by the quantum theory, yields a formula for the mass-squared M 2 M^2 M2 of the closed string in terms of these “number operators” [1]: M 2 = 2 α ′ ( N + N ~ − 2 ) .

Are there any fundamental problems with string theory?

In addition to the problem of developing a consistent theory of quantum gravity, there are many other fundamental problems in the physics of atomic nuclei, black holes, and the early universe. String theory is a theoretical framework that attempts to address these questions and many others.

How is string theory related to quantum field theory?

In late 1997, theorists discovered an important relationship called the anti-de Sitter/conformal field theory correspondence (AdS/CFT correspondence), which relates string theory to another type of physical theory called a quantum field theory .

Which is the only unknown parameter in string theory?

String theory has only one unknown parameter, which corresponds to the string length, which presumably is of order lp, but can be fixed by the one and only one measurement that string theory necessitates before it can be used to make predictions.

Why was string theory important in the superstring revolution?

In the first superstring revolution in 1984, many physicists turned to string theory as a unified theory of particle physics and quantum gravity. Unlike supergravity theory, string theory was able to accommodate the chirality of the standard model, and it provided a theory of gravity consistent with quantum effects.

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