What area code is 966?

What area code is 966?

Saudi Arabia
How the number is composed

Number Comments
966 966 is the international code used to dial to Saudi Arabia.
11 is the local area or city code used to dial to Riyadh. (Not added because the number entered already seems to include an area code.)
53254342 53254342 is the local number you wrote.

What is Saudi carrier code?

The country’s country calling code is +966. Saudi Arabia’s numbering plan is the following: 011 XXX XXXX – Riyadh & the greater central region. 012 XXX XXXX – Western region, includes Makkah, Jeddah, Taif, Rabigh.

Which country code is 973?

Bahrain Country Code 973 – Worldometer.

Is 053 a STC number?

050/053/055 – STC mobiles. 058/059 – Zain mobiles. 054/056 – Mobily mobiles.

What is 056 phone number?

The 056 number ranges form part of the New Voice Service (NVS). This has the format 056 xxxx xxxx. This is a new number range specifically for Internet Telephone companies. Like the Voipfone numbers, calls between 056 numbers are free but unlike them, they can be dialled from any telephone anywhere.

What area code is 996?

Telephone numbers in Kyrgyzstan

Continent Asia
Type closed
Access codes
Country calling code +996

What is Makkah area code?

Media Center

Geographic Area Zone Code
Jeddah 012
Makkah, Jumum, Sharayi Al Mujahidin
Taif, Al Qoray, Sahan Bani Saad, Yelamlam, Hadad Bani Malik, Ushayrah
Muwayah, Zalim, Al Dafinah

What is the area of Riyadh?

1,973 km²

What country code is kw?

Kuwait/Dialing codes

How can I call STC?

+966 11 455 5555
STC/Customer service

How can I check my STC number?

The easiest way to check your STC SIM number is to dial a code *150# and then press “2” to select the English language. The system will display your STC mobile number on your screen.

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