What does a ping mean submarine?

What does a ping mean submarine?

Most subs have two types of sonar: active and passive. Active sonar sends out acoustic sounds, or “pings,” which can reach thousands of yards. If the ping bounces back, that means it hit an object—like a whale, a ship, or another submarine.

What does one ping mean?

Ping (latency is the technically more correct term) means the time it takes for a small data set to be transmitted from your device to a server on the Internet and back to your device again. The ping time is measured in milliseconds (ms).

What is the message of The Hunt for Red October?

The central theme of the US being flawed, but ultimately a force for good and hope in the world is something the author would explore more in his later novels. However, unlike The Hunt For Red October, these later novels often include negative American characters, motivated by power or greed.

When he reached the New World Cortez burned his ships as a result his men were well motivated?

Captain Ramius : When he reached the New World, Cortez burned his ships. As a result his men were well motivated. Captain Ramius : A great day comrades, we sail into history! Captain Ramius : There’s one thing you haven’t yet asked me: why?

What is pinged Covid?

This advice applies to England Print. If you get a message or ‘ping’ from the NHS COVID-19 app, it means you’ve been in contact with someone with coronavirus. Government guidance says you should stay at home and self-isolate. The people you live with don’t have to self-isolate just because you were pinged by the app.

What does one ping only mean Red October?

In the Hunt for Red October, Sean Connery used echolocation to verify the distance between his submarine and the enemy. They knew that one ping would tell them only part of the picture, it would take several pings to calculate the distance, speed, and direction of the enemy.

What captain burned his ships?

Hernán Cortés
Have you ever heard the expression “burn the boats”? It comes from 1519 during the Spanish conquest of Mexico, when Hernán Cortés the Spanish commander, scuttled his ships so that his men would have to conquer or die. Basically, he created a point of no return for himself and his men.

When did Cortez reach the New World?

Cortés and his crew reached Mexico in February of 1519.

What are some quotes from the hunt for Red October?

The Hunt for Red October Quotes. Capt. Borodin: The crew know about the saboteur. They are afraid. Marko Ramius: Well, that could be useful when the time comes. Jack Ryan: Send him this.

How did Sean Connery use echolocation in the hunt for Red October?

In the Hunt for Red October, Sean Connery used echolocation to verify the distance between his submarine and the enemy. It was an epic strategy with the very dramatic line “Give me a ping, Vasili.

Why did Sean Connery say one ping only?

One ping only, please.” And while the crew followed his order, they all thought he was crazy. They knew that one ping would tell them only part of the picture, it would take several pings to calculate the distance, speed, and direction of the enemy.

Why was Red October’s one ping only bad networking?

Aside from exposing their position, the risk of Red October’s single ping was false positives. More pings showing similar results increase confidence in the sonar’s output, and the same concept applies to network troubleshooting.

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