What does paying back in kind mean?

What does paying back in kind mean?

If you pay a debt in kind, you pay it in the form of goods or services and not money. benefits in kind.

What does it mean for someone to pay in kind?

Payment-in-kind (PIK) is the use of a good or service as payment instead of cash. Payment-in-kind also refers to a financial instrument that pays interest or dividends to investors of bonds, notes, or preferred stock with additional securities or equity instead of cash.

What does the saying in kind mean?

: consisting of something (such as goods or commodities) other than money in-kind relief for the poor.

What is a word that means pay back?

Some common synonyms of repay are compensate, indemnify, pay, recompense, reimburse, remunerate, and satisfy. While all these words mean “to give money or its equivalent in return for something,” repay stresses paying back an equivalent in kind or amount.

What does returned in kind mean?

paying or returning something of the same kind as that received or offered.

What does I’ll pay you in kindness mean?

(of payment) given in the form of goods or services and not money: She wouldn’t take any money but said I could pay her in kind by lending her the car. formal. If you do something in kind, you do the same thing to someone that they have just done to you.

What does in-kind mean legally?

Refers to payment, distribution, or substitution of goods or services in lieu of money.

What does return in kind mean?

What does in kind mean legally?

Is Payback paid back?

Word forms: paybacks You can use payback to refer to the profit or benefit that you obtain from something that you have spent money, time, or effort on. There is a substantial payback in terms of employee and union relations. The payback period of a loan is the time in which you are required or allowed to pay it back.

What does the prefix re mean in repay?

When you give someone money that you owe them, you repay them. You can also repay things other than money: “How will I ever repay your kindness and support?” Repay comes from the French repaier, with its “back” prefix re- and payer, “to pay.”

What is meant by in kind support?

In-kind’ support is often accepted as an alternative. This includes donated goods, services or volunteer work to support a project.

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