What is administrative distance in routing protocols?

What is administrative distance in routing protocols?

Administrative distance is the feature used by routers to select the best path when there are two or more different routes to the same destination from two different routing protocols. Administrative distance defines the reliability of a routing protocol.

What is the administrative distance of a directly connected network?

An administrative distance is a number between 0 and 255, with the lower number being better. The AD of 0 indicates the most trusted route (the directly connected network). The AD of 255 means that the route will not be trusted.

What is the administrative distance of default routes?

The range for administrative distance is 0–255. The default value is 120 for RIP routes and 110 for OSPF routes….Setting the Administrative Distance for a Route.

Route Source Default Distance
OSPF 110
IS-IS 115
RIP 120
Internal BGP 200

How do you calculate administrative distance?

You can display the administrative distance of all routes on your router by typing the show ip route command:

  1. In the case above, the router has only a single route in its routing table learned from a dynamic routing protocols – the EIGRP route.
  2. Metric.
  3. RIP has been configured on all routers.

What does administrative distance rank?

What does administrative distance rank? Explanation: Sources of routing information is the administrative distance rank. It is used by routers to select the best path when there are different routes to the same destination. It’s used only two different routing protocols are being used.

What is metric and administrative distance?

The difference between administrative distance and metric is that AD is used to choose between multiple paths learned via different routing protocols. Metric, on the other hand, is used to choose between multiple paths learned with the same routing protocol.

Which route has the lowest administrative distance?

The most believable route or the route with the lowest administrative distance is one that is directly connected to a router.

What is the administrative distance of static routing?

By default, static routes have an administrative distance of 1, making them preferable to routes learned from dynamic routing protocols.

What does administrative distance rank * What does administrative distance rank sources of routing information router reliability best paths?

Which of the following is true for administrative distance of a routing protocol?

By default, OSPF has a default administrative distance of 110 and RIP has a default administrative distance of 120. Administrative distance values can, however, usually be adjusted manually by a network administrator….Cisco.

Routing protocol Administrative distance
Unknown and unused 255

Is protocol administrative distance?

By default, OSPF has a default administrative distance of 110 and RIP has a default administrative distance of 120. Administrative distance values can, however, usually be adjusted manually by a network administrator….Cisco.

Routing protocol Administrative distance
Internal EIGRP 90
IGRP 100
OSPF 110
IS-IS 115

What is metric in routing protocol?

A metric is a measurable value that is assigned by the routing protocol to different routes based on the usefulness of that route. In situations where there are multiple paths to the same remote network, the routing metrics are used to determine the overall “cost” of a path from source to destination.

When to use administrative distance in routing protocol?

Administrative Distance Administrative Distance is used to prefer one routing protocol over another when both report the same destination network. When a Cisco router receives routing information from different protocols for the same destination network it will use the Routing Protocol that has a lower administrative distance.

Why do we need a routing protocol for wireless sensor networks?

As sensors are becoming cheaper day by day, hundreds or even thousands of sensors can be installed in wireless sensor network easily. So, the routing protocol must support scalability of network. If further nodes are to be added in the network any time then routing protocol should not interrupt this. 3.4. Delay

What is the administrative distance for R2 router?

The routing table shows that the router prefers the RIP routes. The router learns RIP routes with an administrative distance of 90, although the default is 120. Note that the new administrative distance value is relevant only to the routing process of a single router (in this case R1). R2 still has IGRP routes in the routing table.

What are the defaults for administrative distance in Cisco?

This table lists the administrative distance default values of the protocols that Cisco supports: Route Source Default Distance Values Connected interface 0 Static route 1 Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protoc 5 External Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) 20

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