What percentage of Fortune 500 CEOs are minorities?

What percentage of Fortune 500 CEOs are minorities?

By race/ethnicity in the Fortune 500, 4.6% were Asian/Pacific Islander, 4.1% were Hispanic, 8.7% were Black, 82.5 % were White and 0.1% other.

What ethnicity are most CEOs?

Moreover, since most of the seats lost by white men were lost to white women, and white women make up 6.8% of those who are now CEOs, whites still make up 92.6% of the Fortune 500 CEOs. Only 1% of the Fortune 500 CEOs are African-Americans, 2.4% are East Asians or South Asians, and 3.4% are Latinx.

Why should boards be diverse?

A diverse board can do much more than “check the box.” It can expand the knowledge, experience and insight that go into a company’s decision-making, and it can ultimately lead to both an improved corporate culture and corporate growth. A diverse board of directors can still be amicable and work in a collegial setting.

How many black CEOs are there in the United States?

four African
Today, there are only four African Americans serving as Fortune 500 CEOs, including Brewer. Kenneth Frazier has served as head of Merck since 2011. There’s also Lowe’s chief executive Marvin Ellison and TIAA-CREF CEO Roger Ferguson Jr., who is stepping down.

Who are the 4 black CEOs?

Meet The Richest Black CEOs Of Fortune 500 Companies In America In 2021

  • Roger Ferguson, ex-TIAA CEO. Photo Credit: Monica Schipper.
  • Marvin Ellison, Lowe’s CEO. Courtesy of Committee for Economic Development.
  • Kenneth Frazier, ex-Merck CEO.
  • Rene F.
  • Thasunda Brown Duckett, TIAA CEO.
  • Rosalind Brewer, Walgreen’s Boots Alliance CEO.

What percent of CEOs in America are black?

Characteristic Asian / Indian African American
2018 30% 5%
2017 29% 6%
2016 28% 7%
2015 27% 6%

How many black CEOs are there in America?

Today, there are five Black CEOs in the Fortune 500. When Ken Frazier retires from Merck next month, there will be four. And addressing the long-standing lack of diversity in their own ranks continues to be a challenge for many of America’s top companies, though it is one they are trying to address.

What are the drawbacks of board diversity?


  • A. Less Effective Interpersonal Dynamics.
  • B. Reduced Trust Among Board Members.
  • A. Better Understanding of Customer Orientation.
  • B. Higher Employee Satisfaction.
  • C. Positive Reputation for the Firm.
  • D. Less “Groupthink” and More Innovative Solutions.

What is a benefit to diversity on the board of directors?

All board members bring their own personal background and experiences to their position in the boardroom. Each individual mind is capable of offering unique ideas, solutions, and strategies. For boards with a more diverse membership, the breadth of personal experience is wider and more comprehensive.

What do Fortune 500 CEOs do?

The Role of a Fortune 500 CEO Instead, the CEO of a Fortune 500 company is primarily concerned with the “big picture,” which the Corporate Finance Institute describes as managing the company’s managers while developing and overseeing the execution of long-term strategies.

What is the largest black owned business?

RLJ Lodging Trust, one of the largest publicly owned Black businesses, reported total assets of $5,92 billion in June 2020.

How many black billionaires are there in America?

According to Forbes’ 2021 World’s Billionaires List, there are 724 billionaires in America yet only seven of them are Black.

Who are the major minority groups in the United States?

Main religions: Christianity, Judaism, Islam. According to the 2010 Census, the main minority and indigenous population groups in the United States (US) include: Hispanic or Latino: 50.5 million (16.3 per cent of the population, including Mexicans 10.3 per cent, Puerto Rican 1.5 per cent, Cuban 0.6 per cent and Other 4.0 per cent)

How are minorities represented in the Fortune 500?

Minority men show no substantive increase in their rate of representation in either the Fortune 100 (see left) or 500, which is concerning, as their rate of representation in the Fortune 500 has been growing at less than 0.5% per year since 2010. In fact, African American/Black men lost one seat in the Fortune 100 and five seats in the Fortune 500.

When do minorities outnumber whites in United States?

As shown in Figure 3, the new census projections indicate that, for youth under 18–the post-millennial population–minorities will outnumber whites in 2020. For those age 18-29–members of the younger labor force and voting age populations–the tipping point will occur in 2027.

What is the Alliance for board diversity ( Abd )?

Since 2004, the Alliance for Board Diversity (ABD or “we”) has had a mission to increase the representation of women and minorities on corporate boards and amplify the need for diverse board composition.

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