What was the total voter turnout in 2012?

What was the total voter turnout in 2012?

Later analysis by the University of California, Santa Barbara’s American Presidency Project found that there were 235,248,000 people of voting age in the United States in the 2012 election, resulting in 2012 voting age population (VAP) turnout of 54.9%.

What is the voting population in Alaska?

Turnout. According to the Alaska Division of Election voter turnout was about 60.77%, 321,271 ballots were cast out of 528,671 voters.

Has there been a drop in voter turnout?

After increasing for many decades, there has been a trend of decreasing voter turnout in most established democracies since the 1980s. As a result, there have been many efforts to increase voter turnout and encourage participation in the political process.

Why is voter turnout so low in constitutional amendment elections quizlet?

Initiative requires the collection of a certain number of signatures within a set time. The initiative process allows voters to propose changes to the state constitution. Voter turnout for constitutional amendments in Texas tends to be low because. Most amendments face little opposition.

How many electoral cores does Alaska have?

Current allocations

Alabama – 9 votes Kentucky – 8 votes North Dakota – 3 votes
Alaska – 3 votes Louisiana – 8 votes Ohio – 18 votes
Arizona – 11 votes Maine – 4 votes Oklahoma – 7 votes
Arkansas – 6 votes Maryland – 10 votes Oregon – 7 votes
California – 55 votes Massachusetts – 11 votes Pennsylvania – 20 votes

How does Alaska usually vote?

Alaska regularly supports Republicans in presidential elections and has done so since statehood. Republicans have won the state’s electoral college votes in all but one election that it has participated in (1964). No state has voted for a Democratic presidential candidate fewer times.

Is a significant reason for low voter turnout in the United States quizlet?

-America’s low turnout rate is partly the result of demanding registration requirements and the greater frequency of elections. Americans are responsible for registering to vote, whereas most democratic governments register citizens automatically.

What has been the most significant trend in voter turnout in recent years quizlet?

Terms in this set (20) What has been the most significant trend in voter turnout in recent years? California has emerged as the state with the highest voter turnout. Latinos are the fastest growing demographic group among eligible voters.

Who was the popular vote winner in 2016?

2016: Donald Trump Hillary Clinton (left) won 2.1% more of the popular vote than elected President Donald Trump (right) in 2016.

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