When was warp drive invented?

When was warp drive invented?

As any avid Star Trek fan can tell you, the eccentric physicist Zefram Cochrane invented the warp-drive engine in the year 2063. It wasn’t easy. As any avid Star Trek fan can tell you, the eccentric physicist Zefram Cochrane invented the warp-drive engine in the year 2063.

Which species developed warp drive first?

(Star Trek: Insurrection) The Vissians developed warp drive around the 12th century. (ENT: “Cogenitor”) The Borg in the Delta Quadrant began to establish their interstellar collective by the 15th century.

Who came up with warp drive?

John W. Campbell
The general concept of “warp drive” was introduced by John W. Campbell in his 1957 novel Islands of Space. Einstein’s theory of special relativity states that speed of light travel is impossible for material objects that, unlike photons, have a non-zero rest mass.

Did NASA invent a warp drive?

A pair of researchers at Applied Physics has created what they describe as the first general model of a warp drive, a model for a spacecraft that could travel faster than a speed of light without actually breaking physics laws.

Who discovered warp first?

This controlled explosion is what generates the tremendous power required to warp space and travel faster than light. On Earth, warp drive was invented in 2063 by noted scientist Zefram Cochrane.

When did the Vulcans make first contact?

April 5, 2063
April 5, 2063 marks a pivotal moment in the history of humankind. It’s the day scientist Zefram Cochrane first achieves warp drive in his Phoenix spacecraft. It’s also the day Vulcans first arrive on Earth and say “hello,” making it First Contact Day.

Who invented the warp drive first?

scientist Zefram Cochrane
This controlled explosion is what generates the tremendous power required to warp space and travel faster than light. On Earth, warp drive was invented in 2063 by noted scientist Zefram Cochrane.

When was Zefram Cochrane born?

Cochrane was born in 2030, according to Star Trek: First Contact (though the novelization of that film gives his year of birth as 2013). He constructed humanity’s first warp-capable vessel, the Phoenix, in Bozeman, Montana, out of an old Titan II nuclear missile.

Will we ever invent warp drive?

Warp drives are theoretically possible if still far-fetched technology. Two recent papers made headlines in March when researchers claimed to have overcome one of the many challenges that stand between the theory of warp drives and reality.

What is the theory behind warp drive?

The Alcubierre metric defines the warp-drive spacetime. It is a Lorentzian manifold that, if interpreted in the context of general relativity, allows a warp bubble to appear in previously flat spacetime and move away at effectively faster-than-light speed.

Who was the first person to design a warp ship?

Rademaker designed the first theoretical warp ship concept to consciously echo the Matt Jeffries design for the UEV-47; the first faster-than-light version of the Starship Enterprise. This new version of the ship is chunkier, more compact, and according to Harold White,…

How does a warp drive work on a ship?

Warp drive, of course! If a spaceship could be designed in such a way that it created a warp bubble, then the space in front of the ship would be compressed and the space behind would expand. This would result in space-time moving around the object, repositioning the ship without it actually moving.

When was the warp drive invented in Star Trek?

The theory that space could be warped was first proposed by Albert Einstein in 1905 and first demonstrated, according to Star Trek canon, by Zefram Cochrane in 2063, providing that objects could travel faster than the speed of light. Warp drive is a delicately balanced, intricate web of chemistry, physics, mathematics and mystery.

Is there a problem with the warp drive?

New data suggests this is unlikely to be an issue, though vessels observing the warp drive ship in close proximity could still be at risk.

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