How do you explain rounding to the nearest 1000?

How do you explain rounding to the nearest 1000?

To round a number to the nearest 1000, look at the hundreds digit. If the hundreds digit is 5 or more, round up. If the hundreds digit is 4 or less, round down. The hundreds digit in 4559 is 5.

What is the nearest thousand example?

The rounding of numbers to the nearest thousandth means rounding of any decimal numbers to its nearest thousandth value. In the decimal system, thousandth means (1/1000) or 0.001. For example, the number 3.1249 rounded to its nearest thousandth is 3.125.

What is 52437 rounded to the nearest thousands?

Answer: 52,437 rounded to the nearest thousand is 52,000. Since there is 4 in the hundreds place, 2 remains 2.

What is 7500 rounded to the nearest 1000?

In this example 7500 is exactly half way between 7000 and 8000 so we round up. 7500 rounded to the nearest 1000 is 8000.

What is the answer of 5500 is rounded to the nearest thousands?

hence, → Round 5500 to the nearest thousand = 6000 (Ans.)

How do you find the nearest thousand?

To round to the nearest thousand, we look at the last three digits. If these digits are 500 or greater, then we round the thousands digit up, and if they are less than 500, then we round down, keeping the thousand’s digit the same. To round to the nearest ten thousand, we look at the last four digits.

How do you round to the nearest 10000?

To round numbers to the nearest ten thousand, make the numbers whose last four digits are 0001 through 4999 into the next lower number that ends in 0000. For example 54,424 rounded to the nearest ten thousand would be 50,000.

How to round off a number to its nearest thousandth?

Rounding to the nearest thousandth calculator is an online tool that will round off any value to its nearest thousandth. For example, if a number, say, 1002.45672 is entered, the calculator will round off the number to its nearest thousand and will give the result as 1002.457.

Do you round the number 1435 to the nearest 1000?

Let’s imagine that you want to round the number 1435 to the nearest thousands. However, you want to round it according to the different rounding modes. In order to discover the new rounded numbers, you just need to add the number 1435 to our calculator and ensure that the “Nearest 1000” is selected.

Is the number 106.8724 rounded to its nearest thousandth?

The number 106.8724 rounded to its nearest thousandth is 106.872, as the digit next to the thousandth digit is less than 5. Round 34.67872 to its nearest thousandth. The number 34.67872 rounded to the nearest thousandth is 34.679, as the digit next to the thousandth digit is greater than 5.

When do you round down to the next lowest number?

So: When the number you are rounding is between 0 and 4, you round down to the next lowest number. When the number is 5 and 9, you round the number up to the next highest number.

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