How is the Earth an ailing planet?

How is the Earth an ailing planet?

Ans. Due to the insensitive exploitation by humans for their survival and development, the earth has lost almost all its vital resources. With drying rivers, depleted and polluted environment and deteriorated forests and greenery, the earth is now breathing hard for its survival and thus it is an ailing planet.

Why is the Earth called an ailing planet?

Why is Earth said to be an ailing planet? Answer: With drying rivers, depleted and polluted environment and deteriorated forests and greenery, Earth is having a difficult time to its survive and thus it is said to be an ailing planet. Question 7.

What is ailing planet?

In its report it defined the idea as “Development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs”, i.e., without stripping the natural world of resources future generations would need.

What is the theme of ailing planet?

ailing planet is all about the environment and to save it. the theme is that how different movements and andolans have helped in conserving the environment and the message is that we should also do something to save our environment.

How is the earth an ailing planet What is the role of the green movement?

The Ailing Planet : The Green Movement’s Role. The Green Movement aims at creating a holistic and ecological view of the world. It makes people conscious of stopping further degradation and deterioration of nature and its resources. Since then theGreen Movement has captured the imagination of millions.

What are our obligation towards the ailing planet?

According to the narrator, man’s ethical obligation towards the earth is “​being a good steward of the planet and responsible trustees of the legacy to future generations”. In other words, we should be responsible owners and safeguard the earth for our children’s sake.

Why does the author call Earth the ailing planet who is responsible for its condition in your opinion how can the ailing planet survive?

Due to the insensitive exploiting by humans for their survival and development,the Earth has lost almost all it’s vital/important resources. With drying rivers,depleting and polluted environment and deteriorating forests and greenery ,the Earth is now breathing hard for it’s survival and thus it is an ailing planet.

What was the ailing planet Class 11?

Answer: The growth of world population puts a severe strain on the earth’s principal biological systems. Due to excessive human claims these reach an unsustainable level where their productivity is damaged. Development is not possible if world population continues to grow so rapidly.

What is the concept of sustainable development the ailing planet?

Answer: Sustainable development has been defined as the development that meets the needs of the present without putting in danger the ability of future generations to meet their needs. In other words, the present generation would not deprive the natural world of the resources the future generations would need.

What are our ethical obligation to the ailing planet?

How does the lesson the ailing planet the green movement’s role explain the collapse of fisheries?

People are advised to consume more and more protein. Fish is an important source of protein. So in a protein hungry world, over-fishing is a common practice. Over-fishing has resulted in the collapse of fisheries.

What is the issue raised by the author in the chapter The ailing planet?

Answer is D deteriorating health of the earth…………

When was the article the ailing planet written?

The entire article is based on different Committees framed for the betterment of the planet as a whole. The article ‘The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement’s Role’ discusses various environmental issues. It was written in 1994 but is relevant to this day due to the continuous deterioration in the health of the planet Earth.

Is the Earth really an ailing patient?

This article shows Earth as an ailing patient whose condition is getting critical day by day. It also focuses on the activities of human beings which contribute to the depletion of the environment.

Which is the best summary of the ailing planet?

The Ailing Planet Summary In this chapter, the writer raises an issue towards the deteriorating health of the earth. As human beings have been exploiting natural resources from decades, presently the condition has made the environment critical.

Is the Earth in good or bad health?

The Earth is in poor health as its vital systems like forests, water, atmosphere are deteriorating day by day. All these components of the earth sped to be revived. There is still a scope of survival of this ailing planet. It just needs our attention and care.

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