Is on the verge of death?

Is on the verge of death?

This often refers to something that is half dead or on the verge of death. By 2130 she was in very ill health and on the verge of death from cancer.

What is the meaning of verge of ruin?

a situation in which a person or company has lost all their money or their reputation: Many companies are on the edge/brink/verge of ruin.

Is on the verge synonym?

synonyms for on the verge

  • forthcoming.
  • immediate.
  • impending.
  • inevitable.
  • likely.
  • looming.
  • possible.
  • probable.

Do you feel pain on the verge of death?

A conscious dying person can know if they are on the verge of dying. Some feel immense pain for hours before dying, while others die in seconds. This awareness of approaching death is most pronounced in people with terminal conditions such as cancer.

What is the meaning of on the verge of?

: at the point when (something) is about to happen or is very likely to happen The company was on the verge of going bankrupt.

What plodded means?

to walk heavily or move laboriously; trudge: to plod under the weight of a burden. to proceed in a tediously slow manner: The play just plodded along in the second act. to work with constant and monotonous perseverance; drudge.

What does on the verge of mean?

What’s another way to say on the other hand?

What is another word for on the other hand?

contrastingly instead
on the flip side however
on the other side of the coin contrarily
oppositely nevertheless
nonetheless that said

Why does a dying person cry?

People who witness terminal agitation often believe it is the dying person’s existential response to death’s approach. Intense agitation may be the most visceral way that the human body can react to the shattering of inertia. We squirm and cry out coming into the world, and sometimes we do the same leaving it.

Can you smell death coming?

Living bacteria in the body, particularly in the bowels, play a major role in this decomposition process, or putrefaction. This decay produces a very potent odor. “Even within a half hour, you can smell death in the room,” he says. “It has a very distinct smell.”

What does on the edge of mean?

: very close to (something) a species on the edge of extinction The company was teetering on the edge of disaster/bankruptcy. He was on the edge of saying something when the phone rang.

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